As girls, we tend to overthink everything, and usually have a constant stream of negative thoughts about ourselves running through our head. I know I do all the time. So I decided to ask some of my friends what were the worst things they often think to themselves and compile a list. How sad is it that the majority of time, we are thinking terrible things about ourselves? I know there are a lot of people that will read this list and be able to relate, which is why I want girls to read this list, and then never, ever say these things to themselves ever again.
1. What is wrong with me?
2. Why am I never enough?
3. God.. I wish I was prettier
4. I wish I looked like her
5. I'll never be good enough
6. He'll never like me
7. What did I do wrong?
8. No one will ever love me
9. I feel like I have no friends
10. Why would he want me when he can have her?
11. People probably think I'm the most annoying person ever
12. What am I even doing with my life?
13. Why am I so hard to love?
14. Yes please let me just imagine every worse case scenario possible
15. I wish I wasn't so fat and actually had a nice body
16. Overthinking the fact that I'm overthinking, cause that's normal
17. Why do I constantly let people walk all over me?
18. It'd be super cool if I could stop stressing myself out
19. I wish I...had a bigger butt/boobs, whiter teeth, longer hair, skinnier waist, abs, clear skin, was taller/shorter, didn't have a muffin top, double chin
20. I'm going to be single forever
YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU ARE LOVED. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. YOU WILL MAKE IT IN LIFE - don't let anyone, especially yourself, tell you any different.