20 Things I Learned By The Time I Turned 20
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20 Things I Learned By The Time I Turned 20

Just a short list of the things I learned by the time I entered my twenties and how they have impacted my life in the best (and sometimes worst) ways.

20 Things I Learned By The Time I Turned 20

Yesterday was my 20th birthday. Excuse me? What? TWENTIETH? Yes, I can feel myself crippling into an abyss because not only are my teen years over, but my TWENTIES are beginning. It's actually pretty exciting, but imagining that I could be graduating college, getting married, getting a full-time job, and potentially having children in this next decade? Bye!

In all seriousness, I feel like I have always talked about my twenties as if they were a million years away. "When I'm in my twenties I will..." "Once I'm twenty-something..." "When we are in our twenties..." The list goes on and on. Do you mean to tell me that my twenties are starting NOW? Wait, let me rephrase that, YESTERDAY?

The whole twenties thing is throwing me for a whirlwind if you couldn't tell. It means that it's the start of a whole new year, the start of a whole new decade, and the start of a whole new chapter in life. In the past 20 years, I've learned a little something here and there about myself and the way the world works. In turn, I decided to share a list of 20 of those things below. Please enjoy.

1. Country music is good for every season for any mood.

Decided to start the list off with something a little light-hearted. People joke about how I'm the most stereotypical southern girl all the time and I have absolutely no shame in admitting that I could probably sing every word to any Shania Twain song that you could name. Regardless of growing up in the south, country music makes my heart happy. Whether it be driving windows down in 75 degree weather during the summer (aka the best time for country music) or listening to it live at a bar or restaurant during the winter, it never gets old. Yes, rap, pop, R&B, you name it is good, but nothing feeds the soul like a good country song.

2. Dance will whip you into shape more than just being physical.

This might not relate to everyone, but growing up as an active and passionate dancer, this one hits home. Dancing is not just an art, it is a great way to maintain physical shape as well. Although dance kept me from being winded after walking up a couple flights of stairs, it certainly kept me on my toes (no pun intended). Dance taught me the importance of dedication, determination, and helped me grow a backbone. You don't know the feeling of true terror until your headpiece falls off on stage in the middle of a performance. Trust me, I've learned from experience. You may not be interested in pursuing dance in particular, but become involved in a sport or extracurricular that helps you develop character because it will do so much more for you in the long run.

3. If you are early, you are on time. If you are on time, you are late.

I feel as though this number was pretty timely following up the point I just made about dance. I don't think this one needs that much explanation. To put it in simple terms: don't be late. It makes you look careless. It makes you look lazy. It makes you look unprofessional. I do not care if it's a simple ice cream date with a friend. Treat it like you are going in for a job interview. You say you will meet me at 8:00? Be there no later than 7:50. If you are not there by 8:00, you will not be hired and your ice cream will melt.

4. Laughing is important.

Hopefully I've made you laugh while reading this post already, but if not, I sincerely apologize. Laughing is good for the soul, your attitude, and overall health. I love reading funny things, being surrounded by funny people, and experiencing funny situations. Life is a lot more enjoyable to look back on when you remember all the funny times instead of the times where you were miserable. It's okay to be sad for a hot second from time to time, but after it's all over, find something to laugh about.

5. Keeping a good skincare routine is essential.

I tend to preach about maintaining good skin because of the products I use (and sell), but I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep up with your skin. There is no reason on this Earth that you should be going to bed at night with all of your makeup still on. I simply do not care how tired you are. Use a makeup wipe, wash your face, put on some moisturizer, and go to bed. Find products that work for you and live by them. People will think you are crazy now, but when we are all in our fifties looking like we are in our thirties, all of our friends will be wishing they used the face masks that we used in our younger years.

6. Stick by your girlfriends.

I have had the privilege of meeting many of my best girl friends in different walks of life. Elementary school, dance, college, all of the above. Once you find your people, never let them go. If you haven't found yours yet, you will and when you have you will KNOW it. I say girls in particular because they will know you like no guy ever will. They will be your ride or dies, future bridesmaids, and nursing home roommates. Don't take them for granted and definitely keep them updated on everything, no matter where life takes all of you.

7. People aren't going to like you, and THEY can get over it.

As someone who has never really cared about what people think of them, it still stings sometimes when people openly disrespect me or just straight up don't care for my presence. I have learned that I do not need to waste my time with these kinds of people. Don't like me? Don't care. Do you feel like we have personal issue that we need to discuss? Let's sit down and talk about it and handle it like adults. However, if you are going to make an issue out of nothing? Please save it and please do not text me about it either. I do not have enough time in the day nor enough iPhone storage space to screenshot all of our text messages to be stressing over the drama that you have created. Moral of the story, if people have an issue with you and it's not legitimate, they have a lot more personal problems that they are dealing with of their own.

8. That little church camp in the mountains will be one of the best things that's ever happened to you.

I'm about to get on my soapbox, or should I say pulpit, for a minute. If you ever have the opportunity to attend a youth conference, mission trip, church retreat, etc. please go. My experience from Montreat Youth Conference in Montreat, North Carolina during high school was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I made some of my best friends, discovered things about myself, made amazing memories, and most importantly grew closer to my faith. The things I've experienced through this camp proved to me that God works wonders and that you do not need to physically see an angel to know that He is real. God is shown through people, things, and all situations. Take advantage of your time spent at your church camp because there is truly nothing else like it.

9. Pay attention to who wishes you happy birthday.

I know the whole inspiration behind this post is the fact that I just turned 20, but this goes for any birthday and is actually really important. Pay attention to who takes the time out of their day to just simply wish you a happy birthday. It says a lot about people. It shows that you came to their mind and that they cared enough to send you a message. In return, please tell your friends, family, acquaintances, whoever happy birthday when it is their special day. It does more than you realize and makes people feel special. So if you are reading this and today is your day, happy birthday.

10. Prom is not all what it's made out to be.

While making this list I knew I needed to dig deep into the back of my brain where a lot of my high school memories belong. Prom being at the very VERY back. Prom can be fun and I do not want to make this so negative, but it really is just so overhyped. It is literally just an event that you stress out over months on end about what to wear, who you are going to go with, where you will eat, how you will get there, who's having the after party, for ONE NIGHT. Just writing all that about made my head explode. I know it sounds like it is supposed to be the most important night of your life right now if you are in high school, but trust me no one is going to remember that you won or didn't win prom queen in 10 years. Nor will anyone care.

11. Standardized testing is the plague.

I know I said prom might be at the very back of my memory box, but I take that back. If a pop quiz were a cold, standardized testing would be the cancer. I can honestly say that my anxiety peaked during ACT and SAT season. I took months of tutoring just to prove to universities that I am, in fact, not an idiot and can get a high enough number on a paper to prove that I am worthy to get accepted. It's insane. The amount of stress and anxiety that high schoolers go through for this kind of thing? Ludicrous. However, do your very very best and take the tests because you need them. It will be a nightmare for the time being, but it's just one step closer to college and freedom in the end.

12. People will get into universities that you won't get into, and there's a deeper reasoning for it.

I remember college acceptance season like it was yesterday. Waiting anxiously for the big envelope in the mail, staring at your computer screen for an email, watching on social media to see who all got in where. Competition was at it's peak and honestly, some friendships were even on the line for some people. You might get rejected from your dream school and wonder to yourself how one of your classmates got in. What did they have that I didn't? Why am I not good enough? Is it possible that their test scores were higher than mine? All of these answers don't matter. What matters is where you DO get accepted. One of those places is where you are meant to go and meant to thrive. Even if it's not what you planned, sometimes a curveball might be one of the best things that's ever happened to you.

13. Don't doubt the power of a good spray tan.

Superficial, I know, but there is POWER in a golden goddess look. You feel like you can legit where a paper bag and still pull it off solely because you are tan. Personally, I don't think getting some color is all that bad. Get whatever shade you want. Even if you look like Cheeto dust? GO FOR IT. Feel yourself! However, do it safely. Please do not go to the tanning beds. I beg you. A golden look is great, but skin cancer not so much.

14. Use writing to your advantage.

Writing is a powerful tool of communication, a way to express thoughts and feelings, and an outlook to discover so many new interests. If it weren't for my passion for writing, I definitely wouldn't have chosen to be a journalism major. Everyone's path is different, but I legit don't know what I would do without writing down anything and everything, whether it be school-related or not. Even if you don't call yourself a writer, I can promise you that letting your feelings out by jotting some things down on paper will help ease your stress. It's therapeutic.

15. Boys don't know what they're doing.

I think this might be one of the most broken record statements of all time. Not all boys are stupid, but a lot of them are just very, very clueless. He texts you first, you reply, and then he leaves you on read. Sound familiar? Like I said before, not stupid, just clueless. As a new 20-year-old with still limited boy experience, it doesn't really get any better. However, I will keep you posted. If I somehow figure out the main deciding factor on what it means when a boy is flirting versus "just being nice," you will be the first to know.

16. Red and blue are your colors.

Well, red and blue are MY colors. The colors that complement me the most, make my eyes stand out, and make me feel like a look a little higher than just an average seven on a scale of one to 10. Before you turn 20, find the colors that complement you the most and wear them. Who cares that half of my closet is red and blue tops? If I look good in it, I'm going to wear it!

17. Live a little.

It took me 20 years (and I'm sure it will take even longer) to learn how to truly let loose and just live a little. I have always been the rule follower and I enjoy staying inside my own little box. Especially since college, I have learned that you can still be a rule follower AND have fun all at the same time, and maybe jump out of the box from time to time. It's healthy and feels freeing. I know I need to do it more often and so should you.

18. Not every frat boy will be the love of your life.

I am fully exposing myself in this blog post right now. Next time you go into the (you know what) fraternity house PLEASE do not go in with the expectation that you are going to find the love of your life that night. Go unplanned, go spontaneous, go have fun. Setting the expectations that Chad the DJ is going to be at the alter with you one day is exhausting. There's plenty of other boys on campus and in life in general to meet, do not subject yourself to the dream of getting lavaliered.

19. Make people feel special.

I try to go through life with the intention of making everyone feel like they are wanted. The most empty feeling is when you are surrounded by a bunch of people and still feel so alone. If you are talking to me, whether I know you are not, I'm going to treat you like we are already friends. Make people feel like they are your friend. If they don't catch on, they are not your friend. If they do, they could be someone to keep around.

20. Everything happens for a reason.

Last but not least, I'm ending the list with one of the statements I preach the most. I am a firm believer that everything that is meant to happen will happen. Being the over planner I am, that might sound hard to believe. Have faith that your life will work out the way it's supposed to, not the way you are telling it to. Too many events have happened in my life for me to not believe in this. Trust in the power of trusting the process and everything will lay out the way it is supposed to.

There you have it folks. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. These are just some of the things I've learned in the past 20 years of life and I am excited to see where the next decade will take me. In the meantime, maybe you found some of what I learned to be relatable or used it as a warning sign of what you might learn in the coming future. All in all, life's wild and before you know it you will be sitting on your bed wondering how you have all the sudden started your twenties too.

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