20 Things I Hope To Do In My 20's
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20 Things I Hope To Do In My 20's

"Your 20's, they say, are your prime years... you just don't know it yet." - Joni Mitchell

20 Things I Hope To Do In My 20's
Kaitlyn Prehoda

In honor of ending my teenage years, and going full force into adulthood, I decided to write down a list of things that I hope to fulfill in my 20's! As scared as I am to be getting older, I am also very excited for this next chapter in my life. I plan to grow into someone that I can be proud of, and I am ready for all of the changes and adventures that are about to come my way!

1. Take big risks

While I’m still young I want to get out of my comfort zone. I don’t want to be afraid to take a different route than everyone else. This is the time to change things up, meet new people, do new things, and just find out who you are without limitations.

2. See the world

Before I settle down to a job, or a family, I want to see what else is out there beyond my city limits. Coming from a small town really shuts your mind off from the rest of the world. I grew up thinking that corn fields and back roads were the best things in the world, but there has to be more to see and more to do out there, and I want to see it and do it all.

3. Be more invested in my faith

Lord knows that I’ve struggled with my faith and that sometimes it’s hard for me to understand it. I want to devote more time to my faith and help it grow into something beautiful, something I can always fall back on.

4. Live with my best friends

If you know my friends, you’re probably thinking “Is she nuts?!” The answer is yes, but I couldn’t think of anyone else I would want to spend these years with.

5. Stop looking for love

It’s easy to get attached to the feeling of someone always being there, but being alone isn’t always as bad as it seems. I want to take this time to find out who I am and what I am capable of on my own. It’s true when they say that you fall in love with the most unexpected people at the most unexpected times. I want a love that’s honest, fearless, and passionate… One that consumes me. I think that when you stop looking for it, that’s when it'll find you.

6. Stand up for what I believe in

Even if I’m standing alone, I think that it is important to voice your opinion about something that is important to you. As long as you aren’t belittling others, you should always try to let other people see your point of view. Who knows, you might find people who will stand with you.

7. Put my phone away

Living in the moment is hard for our generation. We are constantly hiding behind our phones, taking pictures, or posting about what’s happening in our lives, and even though it is awesome to be able to look back on all of our memories we’ve had, this doesn’t allow us to be fully emerged in the present.

8. Cut the toxic people/things out of my life

I am learning that you can, in fact, live life without the people who treat you like you do not matter. Life is honestly way too short to keep people in your life who are constantly holding you back or bringing you down. My hope is that you meet people who bring out the best in you, challenge you, teach you, and lift you up when you need a little boost.

9. Be more educated

Not just in academics or at school, but in life. I want to be aware of what’s going on in the world and try to make a difference by being more educated.

10. Learn a new skill

There are a million things that I wish I could do, or that I wish I would have taken time to learn how to do. I want to stop wishing, and start doing!

11. Appreciate the people in my life more

The sad truth is that we never actually know how much time we have left with people. I want to try to be a better sister, daughter, friend, and person to the people who mean the most to me.

12. Embrace my failures and mistakes

It’s hard to admit defeat, but failures and mistakes are what helps us grow. I wouldn’t be who I am today if I had never failed or made mistakes, and I won’t grow into the person I am meant to be without them either.

13. Stop thinking I need to have my life figured out

“Nothing ruins your 20’s like thinking you should have your life figured out”. Everything that’s meant to be, will be.

14. Go to more concerts/music festivals

Feeling the beat of the drums inside of your chest, sweaty bodies bumping into you as they dance to the music, and screaming lyrics as loud as you can is something everyone needs to experience as often as they can. It's good for the soul.

15. Finish a marathon

As I am getting older, I am learning that having an active and healthy lifestyle is harder than you imagined it would be. I want to start setting fitness goals for myself, and I intend to finish this goal in the next 10 years!

16. Keep in touch with my friends from college

I am now halfway done with my college career, and I have met so many people who have changed my life for the better. I am going to do everything I can to keep them around forever.

17. Accept the things that I can’t change

It’s time to let it go. Whatever it is, just let it be, and move on.

18. Live in the moment

I know that this is a little cliche, but I hope to become more involved in the moments in my life. I want to stop looking at everything from the sidelines and jump into the game.

19. Be selfish

Now, I’m not saying not to be considerate of other people or to be self-centered, but I am saying that this is the best time to do things for YOU. I want to take this time to chase my dreams and reach my goals without things holding me back.

20. Learn to love myself more

This is a life-long goal, but there's no better time to start than the present!

"Your 20's are your selfish years. Old enough to make the right decisions and young enough to make the wrong ones. Be selfish with your time. Travel, explore, fall in and out of love, be ridiculously silly, stupid and wild. Be 20something." -Unknown
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