20 Quotes ONLY Nursing Students Say
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20 Quotes ONLY Nursing Students Say

For all the grads and nurses in progress.

20 Quotes ONLY Nursing Students Say

Okay, so I am not saying nursing school isn't a great opportunity; however, it can be an absolute pain in the ass. It is 100 percent true when they say you never understand a nursing student until you are one. The loss of our sanity isn't the only thing we have in common, we basically speak our own language. Most times you'll hear us saying:

1. "I went to bed at 8 p.m. last night and I am still tired"

If you are in nursing school, being a walking zombie has become your specialty.

2. "I need coffee NOW!"

It's as if the only way to stay awake during a eight-hour lecture is to receive coffee IV.

3. "Oh my god, I have that disease."

The worst is when you are going through signs and symptoms only to realize you have just about every single one mentioned on the board.

4. "Tell me how you feel about that?"

Therapeutic communication has become the only way you know how to talk to absolutely anyone: stranger, parent, sibling and friend.

5. "Crap, did you get the email yet? I swear if I get one more email about toner I am going to jump out of the window."

The school I go to sends grades through email. It's always a heart dropping moment when you feel the vibration only to see that the grade you've been anxiously awaiting for is not from your instructor.

6. *Walks out of exam room* "WTF was that?"

Most times, you walk out of an exam feeling like a giant pile of shit. You can always narrow it to two questions and both of them always seem right to you. You never feel confident after a nursing exam and, if you do, I need your mindset pronto.

7. "I can't go out. I need to study."

All I need to say here is no time for any type social life. You sign your soul to school. Say goodbye to everyone who isn't enrolled in your program because you will rarely ever see them for the next two years.

8. "Literally, no one understands. NO ONE!"

Anyone who isn't in college with you has no concept what so ever of the hell you endure for a full two years. Save your breath and don't even try to explain it.

9. "My patient has 32 freaking meds. My instructor hates me...WHY?"

You know the feeling. It's pre-assessment day. Not only will you have to get up at 5 a.m. the next morning to be on time for clinical, but now you have 50 pages of paperwork to finish. That means no sleep and carpal tunnel. It is as if you are being personally victimized by your instructor when you get that dreadful assignment.

10. "C's get degrees."

Getting a 78 percent on an exam is the goal of every single exam. Being an overachiever in nursing school is never a realistic option.

11. "Do you smell poop? Shit, a call bell. Come help me, I am not going in there alone."

When you are on the clinical unit, you realize you are at the end of the totem pole. When call bells go off, no matter what the cause, you better be the one to take care of them or you aren't considered a "team player." That includes being elbow deep in human feces.

12. "Why tell us to fight an answer when you just tell me I am wrong anyways?"

Your instructors will go over exams and say, "If you don't agree on an answer, please enlighten me on how you viewed the question. I could be wrong." Only to find out you are that idiot who tries to fight a losing battle because the teacher is never wrong.

13. "Document it or you didn't do it."

God, you can say you did something, however, unless you put it in the computer you didn't do absolutely anything. Your instructors pound this in your head to save you from being legally liable.

14. "I just had to wash his penis for him..."

Patients know when you are new. They will take advantage of you, especially old men (insert eye roll).

15. "ABC - Airway, Breathing, Circulation."

Your new alphabet.

16. "Can I afford to get shit faced tonight? Sleep or drink. Screw it, where's the Pinnacle?"

Normally, after a really rough day at clinical or after a tricky exam, this is your go to. You'll regret it on Monday, trust me.

17. "I've died of stress at least 400 times already and it's only Tuesday."

Stress becomes a way of life. Your moods will be forever changing, but stress will always remain.

18. "On the plus sign, we only have five packets for the test on Monday when we usually have 10."

You know the feeling of being overwhelmed with packets upon packets of information. So, it only makes sense that you feel elated when you have less than the norm.

19. "I barfed everywhere this morning, but you know what they say, it's easier to come than not."

You better just come in and take the exam or listen to the exams rather than stay at home and get better. If you stay at home, you will come back in and be five years behind in a two-year program. You learn that your health means naddaaa anymore.

20. "I am in Nursing School, yes, it is very hard, BUT I LOVE IT."

We complain, but under all the stress, craziness, and trauma we have a passion for helping people. We love our career choice and we truly wouldn't change it for anything no matter how much we complain.

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