20 Lessons I Have Learned At 20 Years Old
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20 Lessons I Have Learned At 20 Years Old

I plan to grow more everyday, for the rest of time.

20 Lessons I Have Learned At 20 Years Old
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Since I turned 20 just a few days ago, I have been reflecting about the many things I have learned throughout my life so far. It has been an adventure, but I have watched myself grow so much over the years. Here are 20 of the many lessons I have learned!

1. Stay young.

Sometimes, the small things can easily stress me out. Over the years of being a teen/young adult, I have found that staying young has been able to help me through those rough situations. As someone who always seeks fun, it definitely helps to have a child-like energy and perspective on the big world.

2. Let your passions lead the way.

As cheesy as it sounds, I am one who full-heartedly believes that life needs to be lived with complete passion. There are so many that lead me through life, but they give my life purpose and meaning!

3. God is good. All the time.

This really should be number one on my list, because it has been what I have learned the most! We serve a mighty and righteous God, and I have seen Him work in extraordinary ways. I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for what He has taught me through His blessing and Word.

4. Family above all.

I have learned that friends come and go, but family is always there. I am blessed to be so close with mine, and they are first in my heart!

5. Not everybody is going to stay in your life forever.

This one was especially hard for me to learn. I have always been sensitive and social relationships with others have always been extremely important to me. I am not good at letting people go, even if they do me wrong. I am one with a million chances, so losing others is extremely painful. But God has taught me that people come and go, and they are in your life for a specific amount of time for a specific reason!

6. It is more than okay to be different than everyone else.

I have never been one to really want to follow the norms of my generation. However, I sometimes struggle with trying to please others and fit in. But recently, I learned that it is actually better to stand out.

7. You can't please everyone all the time.

As a natural born people-pleaser, I still have to remind myself of this one everyday. I have learned that there are so many people in my life, and I can't make them all happy. I also cannot let others take away my happiness, and I have to please myself sometimes too.

8. Enjoy the present and don't live in the future.

I have also always been futuristic, but it is difficult to always focus on what is going to happen later on. I find myself counting down the days of specific events, instead of just enjoying the moment I am living in. I have stopped counting the days to the weekend or a holiday, and I live out everyday as it comes.

9. Count your blessings everyday.

Everyday, I make sure to write down everything I am thankful for the most that day. It helps me clear my mind and soften my heart. My prayers are full of constant thanksgiving, because I have learned just how blessed I am. Today and every day.

10. God's opinion is the only opinion that matters.

No one on earth can break me when He carries me on His shoulders. God looks at the heart, but people look at outside appearance.

11. A smile and a little bit of kindness can go a long way.

It truly makes fellow people's days when they get a genuine smile flashing at them. I try to remember to be kind to everyone, because I have heard from many that it makes their day.

12. Hiding who you really are is not worth it.

It's easy to look at yourself in society's point of view. It's easy to be who the world wants you to be rather than who you want to be. But it isn't worth it to try to hide who you are! Again, I sound cheesy. But it's true. It's just not worth it.

13. Sometimes all you can do is laugh it off.

If you fake laugh, it will turn into a real laugh. This has definitely gotten me through many times of stress, so I recommend.

14. Time does heal.

It truly does. It might take longer sometimes than others, but things do get better. I have learned this, but I definitely still have to remind myself this every time I am broken.

15. Love everyone, even those that seem difficult to love.

Even though some people act like they do not need anyone, everybody needs a friend. Talk to that person who sits alone. Love that person that is rude, because they need love too. I have learned how hard it is sometimes to love those who wrong you, but it hurts way less than not forgiving them for a long time. I have discovered recently that it's less painful to just let things go.

16. You don't have to have all of the answers.

I always force myself to figure everything out. I yell at myself when I doubt my future. I get mad when I feel like my world is falling apart. But then I remember that God does have a plan for me. I just need to be still, because He already has it all figured out. This alone gets me through many bad days.

17. Don't give up on things when they seem impossible to achieve.

Another super dramatic, cheesy piece of advice for ya! But seriously. I have doubted so many things that I love simply because I feel like others are better at it than me, or that I will get nowhere with it. But I now understand that if it is on your heart, it is there for a reason. Sometimes the timing is just off, but one day it will all make sense.

18. Treasure quality time with those you love.

For one, you never know the last time you'll see them. But also, quality time matters. Making memories is truly a beautiful adventure, especially when it's with those who make you happiest. Like I said earlier, people come and go. But no one that is important in your life is a waste of time. So treasure every second with them like it is the last time that you'll ever spend with them.This has always been something I have lived by, and something I have seen to be true.

19. Rest.

Hey, guess what? It is more than okay to rest sometimes. Life is busy, man. During my first year of college last year, I did not give myself much time to rest. As a busy extrovert, I do not like spending time alone. But over the past few months, I have reminded myself that sleeping in one day a week and not checking social media every hour is truly a breath of fresh air. I am still working on being content with time alone, but rest is something I am learning to definitely make useful at least one day a week.

20. Assume the best before assuming the worst in yourself and others.

Your perspective will drastically change when you aren't looking for the bad. I used to worry a lot. My mind would immediately wander off to what was wrong. But that is hard to do as an optimistic person. So I have given up on trying to do both. I make sure that my first impressions are not negative. But with that, I also try to find something that I love about myself when I am constantly pointing out the negatives during the rough days.

I know that I do not have it all figured out, and I never will. But I have learned so much the past 20 years, and it is so cool to notice that. Sometimes you need to just take a moment and think about how far you've come. Be proud of who you are, and keep growing everyday, that's my plan for the rest of time!

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