20 Things To Do In Iowa This Summer
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20 Things To Do In Iowa This Summer

It's not just all corn. We have some fun stuff, too.

20 Things To Do In Iowa This Summer
Ken West - Sweet Light Gallery

As an Iowan, I'm used to people from around the world thinking that Iowa's only filled with corn fields and nothing really to do for fun. This is most definitely not the case. Here are 20 exciting things to check out in Iowa during the summertime!

1. National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium

Here in Iowa's oldest city, Dubuque, you can explore aquariums full of creatures and wildlife. You can also attend exhibits and events that are for a day filled with family fun.

2. Iowa State Fair

Here in Des Moines, this event is what Iowans earnestly wait for all summer long. This 11-day fair is filled with a butter cow, whirling fair rides, live music and concerts, farm animals, and lots of fried food! You can't go wrong.

3. Ledges State Park

In Madrid, enjoy watching wildlife, camping, bicycling, hiking, fishing, and canoeing on The Des Moines River.

4. Maquoketa Caves State Park

In Maquoketa, explore the caves and hike the six miles of trails free of charge at this state park. Be sure to pack a flashlight and your sense of adventure! It's sure to be unforgettable.

5. National Balloon Classic

In Indianola, sit back and take a look at magnificent hot air balloons floating overhead.

6. Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad

Located in Boone, visit this venue to ride the rails and experience life on the railroad.

7. "Field of Dreams" movie set

In small-town Dyersville, this farm was the movie set of the famous film, "Field of Dreams." Enjoy tours and pick up some souvenirs from the gift shop!

8. Fenelon Place Elevator Co.

Located in Dubuque, enjoy the scenic views on the world's steepest and shortest railroad.

9. Eagle Point Park

For only $1, enjoy this spacious park in Dubuque. Its 164 acres have numerous trails, parks, splash pads, and overlooking cliffs of the river.

10. Reiman Gardens

Explore indoor and outdoor gardens in Ames. Not to mention, there's free admission for Iowa State students. Take a look at over 800 beautiful butterflies in the butterfly garden. This venue is sure to be breath-taking!

11. The World's Largest Concrete Gnome

Located in The Reiman Gardens in Ames, this gnome attracts visitors from all over the world who want a picture by this enormous statue that stands at a whopping 15 feet!

12. Adventureland

In Altoona, ride over 100 thrill rides at this amusement park or relax in the wave pool of the waterpark. Don't forget your sunscreen!

13. Lost Island

In Waterloo, enjoy exhilarating water rides with tons of twists and drops that are sure to leave you worn out by the end of your day. Be sure to hop on the Wailua Kupua, for it is one of the only hydromagnetic water coasters in the world!

14. Figge Art Museum

In Davenport, this museum offers over 4,000 works of art and creative pieces.

15. Mines of Spain

In Dubuque, go hiking on miles of trails, take in the stunning views from atop of the cliffs, and enjoy a nice picnic in the outdoors.

16. Villisca Axe Murder House

This house in Villisca is the 1912 murder site of eight people. If you're brave, step foot into the house and embrace the paranormal.

17. Zombie Burger + Drink Lab

Yes, you read that right. In Iowa City, there is a restaurant that has its whole theme focused around zombies. Survive the apocalypse and grab some humorous, horror-based items from the menu.

18. Pottawattamie Squirrel Cage Jail

In Council Bluffs, this jail was built in 1885. It's unique rotating design is one of only 18 in the world that were built. Visit and feel free to experience a bit of the prisoner lifestyle.

19. Pappajohn Sculpture Park

This park in downtown Des Moines includes 22 sculptures from some of the world's greatest artists.

20. High Trestle Trail Bridge

This bridge in Madrid runs 25 miles and sits 13 stories high. Visit this bridge either in daylight or at nighttime to see the beautiful blue glow of the lights lining the structure.

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