You always say you're going to get up early before your morning class, be completely refreshed, and have plenty of time for breakfast and a little studying even, but somehow that never happens. This is a chronicle of your life as you make it to your early morning class.
1. You wake up early and excited to realize you still have time to sleep, but somehow that extra time you have to sleep goes super fast.
2. You hit the snooze button… many times. You know it’s going to happen so there’s not much you can even do about it.
3. In fact you plan for it. You expect yourself to not wake up early enough for your alarm, so you plan your first alarm earlier than you should because you know you won’t get up on the first alarm. You probably have 10 alarms too.
4. You pull out your phone and scroll through social media to procrastinate all the while looking at the time on the top of your phone and getting worried about it.
5. You hit snooze again.
6. You finally get out of bed and stumble around.
7. But can’t take it so get back in bed hitting snooze some more.
8. You go back to your phone because you need to procrastinate getting out of bed some more.
9. You finally panic enough to say “Alright, I actually have to get up now.”
10. You head to the shower because you put off showering last night thinking you would have plenty of time to do it in the morning.
11. Procrastination kicks in some more as you enjoy the shower for way too long.
12. You read the news thinking you’re being productive.
13. You hastily get dressed, but of course you're stylin'.
14. You leave your room and immediately remember you forgot something.
15. You make it to the dining hall 15 minutes before your class and get anxious waiting in line.
16. You sit down alone because you don’t care about eating alone and wolf down the food you just got in three minutes.
17. You realize you can’t eat all of the food you just got and get something to bring with you to class.
18. Bursting out the doors, you speed-walk like you’ve never speed-walked before on over to your class.
19. And finally, you still end up being just a little bit late to class.
But, at least you made it in style.