In my eyes, 20 years on this earth marks your entry into adulthood. I'm about to leave my teenage years in the past in just a few short months, so I have decided to look back onto what truly important things I have learned in my 19 years.
1. If your parents don't like your friends, there's a good reason and you'll figure it out eventually.
Parents seem to have a weird sixth sense about scoping out bad friends–not sure how, but it's true, I swear.
2. Not all boys are good....but not all are bad either.
By 19, I think I can safely say that most of us have encountered some not-so-nice boys. Luckily, I have met some pretty great ones, too. It's unfair to assume that all guys are up to no good, because that is entirely untrue. So, if you haven't met your prince charming yet, don't give up, because we're still babies to this world in all honesty.
3. You can do anything you set your mind to.
We live in a time of endless possibilities. Open your mind, be creative, work hard and you will reach your goals and more.
4. Dance to the beat of your own drum, nobody is better at being you than you.
Middle school and high school spit out carbon copies of girls. Seriously, we all had the same clothing, had the same haircut, and listened to the same music. After high school the peer pressure to be "normal" goes away and you can finally find the real you.
5. Don't believe everything you see on the Internet.
In a world of "catfishing" I highly advise doing research on people you meet on the Internet. And also, anyone can edit a Wikipedia page. If you didn't know that, now you do. You're welcome.
6. Don't be a people pleaser.
Although doing things for others does make you feel good, you aren't always going to make everyone happy. You'll run yourself ragged if you try.
7. It's not about the Instagram post, it's about the memories behind it.
We've all been out in public seeing the constant selfies being taken, usually at the beach or big tourist attractions. A lot of people do things for the attention it will get them on social media rather than for the experience itself. It's turning our society into zombies. Put the phone down.
8. It's not all about you.
This was definitely an issue when I was 13. I like to believe I've grown out of it, but I know I have my moments. C'mon, we all do!
9. Family is not just those blood-related to you.
My friends from high school have become my second family. I feel like they have shared custody with my biological family 50/50. I know they will always have my back.
10. All fads will pass.
If you can't afford the latest fad, just remember that in six months to a year everyone will be embarrassed of the pictures of what they wore/did. (Hello, middle school!)
11. Constructive criticism is a good thing.
As a writer, I deal with this a lot. It was a very hard thing at first, but the only way to improve yourself is to listen to criticism and actually change your work sometimes, even if you thought it was better the first time.
12. There's no shame in asking for help.
Don't let your pride get in the way. It is better to ask for help than to crash and burn by yourself.
13. Speak your mind.
Your opinion may not always be the popular one, but do not let that hold you back from speaking up. Odds are, some one else shares your thoughts but is afraid to speak up and be the outcast.
14. Don't sweat the small stuff.
If someone doesn't like you at work, or if your sister keeps stealing your clothes, it just isn't worth it to get yourself worked up over. There are far more important things to focus on.
15. Growing up is scary but you'll survive it.
"How am I supposed to get a house someday?" "How do taxes even work?" Our parents all thought the same thing when they were our age and they did it, they survived it. So can we.
16. Try new things.
Don't limit yourself. Try something new every chance you get, whether it's as small as trying squid or something huge like sky diving. You only have one life and with a world this huge try anything you can get your hands on.
17. Experience the world around you, don't get sucked into your phone or Netflix binging.
Get out of your cave of a bedroom and experience the world!
18. Choose your battles wisely.
Not everything needs your input, sometimes it's better to keep yourself out of an issue that does not directly affect you.
19. Have fun, don't let time slip away.
You're still young but this is when life gets a little harder and we all have to start adulting. But before you get settled into a career, a family, a mortgage and a car payment, enjoy yourself and all of the opportunities that lie in front of you.