Coming from being a senior in high school and knowing all about your school to becoming a freshman at a brand new college or university is a big change. College is definitely not high school in the slightest bit, especially if you attend a large state university. It’s scary at first, you really do feel like a fish out of water, but over time it’ll become the new normal (you can only hope). It’s only been a few weeks, and I’m kinda getting the swing of things, but I totally feel like a freshman, and I really don’t care. I know some people try to get around fitting into the freshman stereotype, but it’s impossible. Sorry, there’s no escaping it. Here are some things that are relatable to most freshmen.
1. Everything is new and exciting.
New city, new town, new faces, new opportunities. Life has changed a lot. You’re living with a bunch of people in your age group with no parental supervision. There’s so much to explore and figure out. College=new life.
2. Everyone looks really old.
You feel like a baby. There are older students walking around in suits and dresses with their lives figured out while you can’t even figure out how to do laundry.
3. Feeling like a newb.
Whether you look like one or not, you are. You are on your own and don’t know how to deal with yourself. I heard it gets better with time.
4. Free stuff becomes your life.
I never really understood this until I got to campus. When some organization is giving out free shirts, bags, or FOOD (key word here), people flock in masses. You feel like you’re saving money, but you’re also killing your digestive system.
5. Feeling intimated walking into your first 100+ lecture hall.
Things just got real. You walk in 10 minutes early and you’re sitting in the middle or back.
6. Forgetting people’s names who you just met
The worst is when you’ve been talking to them for a week and you say the wrong name. How embarrassing.
7. Getting really dressed up for school the first week.
Gotta look good for people you’ll never see again.
8. Thinking the dining hall food is good.
So much variety! Then you figure out that “variety” is rotated every week.
9. Having no idea what you’re doing sometimes.
Wandering around aimlessly and looking at every sign is a tell-tale sign. Everyone looks so busy and you aren’t. You don’t know where anything is even after you’ve been there once.
10. Being extremely early to your classes.
Because if you’re not early, you’re late amiright?!?
11. Being alone on campus because you don’t know that many people yet.
Lunch dates with your laptop. Coffee dates with your laptop.
12. Giving your email to every club at the activities fair.
Then your mailbox gets flooded with meeting times… no one’s superman.
13. Taking a lot of “so college” Snapchats.
Guilty. Going to 7/11 to get ice cream at midnight? So college.
14. Having really bad gym intimidation.
I’m sure this includes upperclassmen too, but I was super overwhelmed when I didn’t even see a free treadmill.
15. Thinking about how to make friends.
Literally though. You’ve been with the same people for years, so it’s weird to think about making new friends, but it happens.
16. Talking about high school to people you meet.
Because it’s still relevant to you… But next year it won’t be.
17. Being paranoid about the Freshman 15
Is it a myth or is it a fact? Only time will tell.
18. Trying to figure out what to do in between breaks in classes.
Is there time to get food? Where and where do I study? It's time to create a schedule.
Freshman year is inevitable, but we're creating memories that we'll look back at with pity at how clueless we were. For now, though, I'll enjoy the newness of it all and have a reason to explain my stupidity.