17 Times Our Digital Habits Changed
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17 Times Our Digital Habits Changed

Keeping up with technology is an occupation in itself.

17 Times Our Digital Habits Changed

The digital world changes more often than we change our outfits before going out. There’s an organized chaos to it and to survive and thrive in this tech-driven world, it is up to us slaves to technology to keep up with it or get out of the game. Gone are the days of face-to-face communication, spelling out full words, and feeling giddy when our crush makes us a mix tape that he prob made for fourteen other girls tbh. But it’s totes fine because digital consistency would be mundane. Let’s just say if you fell into a coma in the year 2005, people will likely stop and takes pics of the prehistoric dinosaur doing digitally prehistoric things with your ancient artifacts. And then they would meme you.

1. Ringtones to silence.

Tbt when Jason Derulo would greet us with a song every time we got a text. Now, even the occasional phone vibration is worthy grounds for nasty glares.

2. Away messages, to Facebook statuses, to Snapchat stories.

We are a people of little words. Pics or it didn’t happen.

3. Massive Facebook albums have become a few cute candids from the night.

Pick a few cute, insta-worthy shots and sensibly upload them at the time of day that you will receive the most likes (bonus points for those followers who comment, too).

4. Glaring photo edits to pretending we are actually perfect.

Who is Sepia and why were we friends with her??? We arguably edit our pictures more now than ever before, we've just become better at hiding it.

5. Socializing through our computers on AIM and MySpace to a delicate combination of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.

There's so much to balance these days. And people say millennials are lazy...

6. Cell phone diversity has been replaced with iPhones.

You could have had a Sidekick, a Razr, an EnV, a Chocolate...the options were endless. Apple has taken those choices away (and with it went the creative names, too). Also, sorry in advance to the Droid users. You guys are a select, brave bunch.

7. Using a milllioonnnnnn letterrrrssss to the absolute bare minimum.

Sry we r lazy af lol.

8. Commenting without liking is highly discouraged.


9. From sending the same snap to 75% of your Snapchat friends to easily making it your story.

To be fair, I still send my story to a select few Snapchat friends. Because if I'm doing something cool I just can't chance them not seeing my story before it expires. You know you do it too.

10. Using ooVoo to accommodate your one non-Apple friend in the group video chat to using the HouseParty App.

Which is arguably comparable to AIM chat groups in the stone ages.

11. The evolution of our music organization systems.

Gone are the days of mix tapes and CDs. And remember back in the olden days when we had to manually show our friends our iTunes playlists? Thank you, Spotify, for making us that much lazier.

12. When we broke up with Blockbuster for OnDemand movies and got ourselves a cheap side-chick, Netflix, in the process.

This is why "It's complicated" is a relationship status on FB.

13. Infamous poking wars have changed to strategically liking photos.

And eventually sliding into those DMs.

14. The mysterious transformation of the smiley-face language.

XD ;p :) ...still waiting for an emoji keyboard for computers. But you get the point. We prefer conveying emotions through ~animation~.

15. ROFLCOPTER.com was replaced with meme tagging on social media.

Why go to a website for a meme when you can find it on social media? Efficiency, am I right?

16. From photobooth to selfies.

And this has started the uprise in pictures resembling that of the potato family, because selfie angles are not always the most flattering.

17. The length of our messages.

We just send


in a million

little messages


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