17 Struggles Tall Girls Will Understand
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17 Struggles Tall Girls Will Understand

It's a struggle sometimes. Well, a lot actually.

17 Struggles Tall Girls Will Understand

Being tall, of course, has it's perks (being able to see what's ahead, reaching nearly everything, etc.) but there are some struggles that come along with it. Read on to see what the 17 biggest struggles of being a tall girl are.

1. Finding pants that don’t become capris when you sit down. Sometimes if pants are too short when you are standing, you’re able to pull them down and adjust them so they look long enough.You can’t hide how short your pants are when you’re sitting down and it’s kind of embarrassing to have your hem inches above your ankles.

2. Showering in other bathrooms than your own. As if figuring out the controls are hard enough, the shower head is often too low.Visiting your cousins who are way shorter and have their shower head set to their height makes showering way harder. You get a workout in trying to bend in a way to get your head under the shower head without getting shampoo or conditioner in your eyes.

3. People asking if you play basketball. Yes, actually but I didn’t choose to play because of my height. My height had no correlation to my skills. Not all tall people play basketball; that’s a stereotype.

4. The boys weren’t anywhere close to your height until the end of high school or even the beginning of college. A lot of girls have a thing with wanting tall guys and yet they seemed to be nonexistent to you because of your height. If you did date a guy, you were taller him, especially when heels were involved.

5. Sticking out like a sore thumb in group photos. You can find yourself ridiculously fast in large group photos because you tower above everyone else. Hugging pictures are awkward because your friend's face is in your chest.

6. Being asked to reach everything. If you had a dollar for every time you grabbed things from top shelves, you could pay for college yourself. Teachers called on you to pull down projector screens a lot in school. You also get asked to take the selfies because of your super long arms.

7. Dresses that barely cover everything. Especially problematic for tall girls whose height is in their torso. It fits your roommate or sister just fine, but when you put it on, you definitely need something on underneath to prevent accidentally flashing someone.

8. Having long arms. Proportionally, your arms are longer than the average person so find long sleeved clothing is a pain in the butt. You end up buying XL shirts just so the sleeves reach your wrists but you're swimming in the rest of the shirt. Don’t even get me started on finding a winter coat.

9. Clothing designers don’t seem to understand tall people. Either they only make the sizes progressively longer or wider but rarely both. You know which stores have clothes that never fit correctly and of course it’s the one with the clothes you’d love to wear if they didn’t fit so awkwardly.

10. Getting dress-coded in school because your shorts and dresses always seemed too short thanks to your long body. The other girls could get away with the same outfit but your long arms screwed you over when it came to checking the length of your clothing. Finger-tip rule was the bane of your existence during the hot months.

11. Banging your head. There are a lot of places for us tall people to hit our head. I had a lofted bed for about two days when I moved to college but had it lowered because I couldn’t deal with hitting my head every time I went to get something from my desk or dresser. My friend ran into a tree branch a few weeks ago while walking around. Visiting historical sites that are dated before 1960 (when people were a whole lot shorter) means bending over and ducking a lot to prevent you from knocking yourself out when walking around.

12. “Are your parents tall?” Well, yeah. Genetically speaking, I had to get this height from somewhere. It wasn’t from drinking milk (as my 6’5 disgusted-by-milk brother can attest to).

13. Also “is everyone in your family super tall?” Oddly enough, I have a lot of shorter cousins on one side of the family. It’s genetics so it depends on your parents and their side of the family which is why I have giants on one side of the family and not so much on the other side.

14.Being asked to move at events so others can see. We want to see it too and we can’t do a whole lot to change the sight-line problem. Being asked to sit down at concerts or move so shorter people can see it pretty common.

15. Traveling. There is no good way to sit in a car or plane for hours (unless you’re willing to shell out a pretty penny for more leg room on a plane). Traveling is not comfortable and there’s not much to do about it, except hope it will be a short travel time and there won’t be any kind of delay or traffic.

16. Not being able to fit. Want to cross your legs under your desk? Not a chance if you're tall. Fitting into the driver's seat of other people's cars can be a crunch. Was the world made by short people?

17. Ending up with odd nicknames because of your height. My first day of driving school my instructor referred to me as the Jolly Green Giant (like the raisins). Some people also refer to be as Giraffe and Long Legs. People usually don't need an explination as to why others have given you height-related nicknames.

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