16 Things I Want To Thank My First College Roommate For
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16 Things I Want To Thank My First College Roommate For

Thank you for becoming more than a best friend.

16 Things I Want To Thank My First College Roommate For

Going into my freshmen year, I wanted a roommate so badly, and when I found out the previous person I got paired up with wanted to live at home, I knew I'd be alone for a while. I swear I emailed housing every day just to see if anyone was available to room with me, no one was, but then you showed up and I'm so grateful you did.

Here are 16 things I want to thank my first college roommate for:

1. Thank you for staying up late with me.

There's no way I would have gotten through tests, essays, or projects without you to keep me company. Because of you, I was motivated to stay up and get the job done with some laughs and snacks of course.

2. Thank you for laughing with me.

After a long day that was most likely horrible, tiring, or boring, you always knew how to get me to smile or even laugh about something stupid with me and for that we grew closer and created so many Inside jokes!

3. Thank you for dealing with my anger or sadness and sharing yours with me.

Sharing your emotions is key in any relationship, I'm so thankful you came to me with your sadness and anger built up to turn into deep talks where we helped each other vent and get everything out of our system

4. Thank you for sticking with me.

Everyone has their own level of difficulty, and I will admit I am hard to take on sometimes, but you're one person who stuck with me through the entire year and didn't turn your back on me once, and for that I thank you

5. Thank you for having lunch or dinner with me.

If anyone knows me, I have this weird thing about eating in front of new people or alone, and you learned about me and knew that. You'd invite me to lunch or dinner or even let me tag along with you and your friends. Those were some of the best times I've ever had with you outside of our room.

6. Thank you for going to the store with me.

Whether it was late at night or 10 minutes before the pharmacy closed, you'd go with me so that I didn't have to be alone or maybe you needed milk but I like to think you were my store buddy so we could keep bonding and have a stronger relationship

7. Thank you for singing with me (and to me) louder than ever.

Seriously these were some of the best times we've had in our room together. Singing all of the oldies and making fun of a few or even Snapchat recording them because I laughed so hard. You singing every night made my nights so much better, and I looked forward to the time we were both in the room together at night.

8. Thank you for being yourself.

Being yourself is so important, it shows how real of a person you are and how wonderful you truly are. You simply being yourself made me like you even more and knew that we would become close and best friends.

9. Thank you for introducing me to your friends and being friends with mine.

It was really awesome to get to know the people you met through classes and clubs and how you'd bring them to hang out everyone you introduced me to. I developed some relationship with, and that built my circle of friends, but also I want to thank you for accepting my friends I brought to the room to hang out with. You got to know them and developed some kind of relationship with them as well.

10. Thank you for baking cookies with me late at night.

Although most of the cookie dough was consumed raw and there were fewer cookies than the package said, baking cookies in the basement and running around laughing and singing was such a stress reliever from the week or day I may have had. Sometimes you just need those little things to keep you sane, which leads me into my next thank you:

11. Thank you for keeping me sane.

Talking me out of situations, confusions, and helping me understand different points of view was and always will be your specialty. Leaving me small notes to wake up to was so uplifting and something I looked forward to each morning, that was if we weren't running late of course. I'm so thankful I had someone like you to keep me relaxed and help me become so understanding in different situations, although sometimes I may not have heard what I wanted to hear I knew you were right 99% of the time who am I kidding, 100% of the time.

12. Thank you for having cheesy roomie bonding nights with me.

The nights where we wouldn't talk to anyone, we'd set our phones down, get our essays out, pick a movie, and burn some popcorn were the best nights to bond with you. To just do things together and be with each other was so perfect for our relationship. We would rarely watch the movie or do our essays but it was an excellent opportunity to get to know you, and I'm so glad we did.

13. Thank you for having deep conversations with me.

Deep conversations where we would just sit in bed and talk for hours on end were the best. I've always liked deep conversations, but ones with you were the best. We always talked out some controversial topics and helped each other understand different points of views, or we even talked about some life issues, and you always gave the best advice and not to mention you were the best listener!

14. Thank you for letting me get to know you and step into your world.

It was truly a pleasure getting to learn about you, and I am still learning every day about you. You taught me about your family and introduced me to them; you told me all about high school, your old job, your likes, and dislikes. You helped me get to know you, and I did the same. I came to your club events and your band performances to cheer you on. I was and always will be your biggest fan.

15. Thank you for pushing me to be the best I can be.

It can't be much more elaborate than that, but you really pushed me to be the best first-year college student I could be to make my parents and you proud. You never failed to make me smile and help me get to know who I really am. Because of you, I do my best every single day at wherever I am doing because you taught me to be the best person I can be.

16. Thank you for wanting to room with me again.

I was scared you would say no when I asked, but I'm so thankful you said yes, I'm so pleased you want to continue being my roommate and I hope that's the case for our last two years together as well. You have really turned into a sister I never really had. You're one of the best people in my life, and without you, I'd be so lost.

So thank you for all of these things, thank you for being my roommate and thank you for being the best one a girl could ever ask for!

Until next year, roomie!

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