19 Signs You're A San Francisco Giants Fan | The Odyssey Online
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19 Signs You're A San Francisco Giants Fan


19 Signs You're A San Francisco Giants Fan
Latin Times

Being a Giants fan can be tough. Before 2010, our last World Series title was in 1954—when the Giants played in New York. Since then we've endured a lot, from the Loma Prieta Earthquake depriving us of the championship in '89 to the stain on Barry Bonds' legacy due to steroid use. But if there's one thing I can say about Giants fans, it's that we're loyal to our team, no matter how many years of "the torture" we've had to deal with.

Here's how you know you love the SF Giants.

1. You have mixed feelings about Barry Bonds

2. But if a non-Giants fan tries to talk smack about him

2. You hate Dodgers fans with the passion of an 18th century Sicilian vendetta

3. And if you see one wearing a Dodgers cap in The City, your mind immediately goes here

...just kidding

4. You had to bring two jackets and a blanket to every night game

5. ...But still managed to get sunburned at every day game

6. You stood in line for hella long for the Gilroy garlic fries, but it was always worth it

7. You remember the genius that is this commercial

8. You're still proud that when The Man tried to take down Timmy, it only made him stronger

9. Lou Seal is okay, but you secretly wish they would bring back Crazy Crab

10. You'll always remember the greatest save in sports history

11. These are the only two old white men you know you can trust to tell the truth

12. As a kid, the giant Coca-Cola slide had you like

13. AT&T Park is cool, but a little piece of you died when they tore Candlestick down

14. You have the best heroes

15. But you also know something about betrayal

16. I guess The Machine was pretty hilarious, though

17. This is what you do when you wake up and remember 2016 is an even-numbered calendar year

18. You hope Dodgers players still remember when Juan Marichal took the rivalry to the next level with creative use of his bat

19. Finally, in order to keep loving the team you've been forced to adopt masochistic tendencies—but it's still all good

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