16 Guys Who You Should Avoid On Tinder
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16 Guys Who You Should Avoid On Tinder

Sorry Tinderella, these guys will never be your Prince Charming.

16 Guys Who You Should Avoid On Tinder
Unsplash James Pond

Tinder came out in 2012 and has become one of the most successful dating apps. Most of my friends have used it at some point in their college career. Either for a random hookup or for somebody to buy them dinner. No matter the reason you end up on the app, there are a few things you always avoid before swiping right on somebody.

1. Guys who have 3 pics or less

I can’t be the only one who finds it a little strange that somebody cant find six decent pictures of themselves.

2. Guys who use girls as props

If he is surrounded by two or more girls, especially if they're both blonde, he's using them as a prop. He thinks it makes him look like a big shot, a stud. If that’s the way he is using the girls he already knows, how do you think he’ll treat you?

3. Guys who use a pet as a distraction

Usually a cute puppy, sometimes a kitten. Guys who have half their face covered with an incredibly cute animal is just trying to entice you with the animal. Like a creepy guy using candy to lure kids into his van. Same idea.

4. Guys who only have group photos

Nobody has time to figure out who looks the most like a Chris. You’re not invested enough to spend the time trying to solve the mystery, and trust me, odds are he's the least attractive one.

5. Guys who say they’re 4/20 friendly

Sick bro. They are trying to show off but all this means is that they still live with their parents and don’t have a job. Unless you’re dealer is out of town, or back in jail, don't bother swiping right.

6. Guys who have really long bios

This is a major red flag that he has no friends to actually go hiking, biking, and rock climbing with. He’s desperate for a friend.

7. Guys who swipe in another location

That means they’re paying for the app. No thank you, creep.

8. Guys who have any mirror selfies

They most likely took this picture specifically for their Tinder profile, or they think that the wrinkly button down and tacky tie they're wearing is the best outfit in their closet. Or it’s a shirtless mirror pic, which is just repulsive.

9. Guys who have their faces cropped out

They must be pretty stupid if they can’t figure out how to not do that.

10. Guys who only have far away pics

Especially if they have their shades on. You don’t want to be involved with someone who has really low self esteem.

11. Guys who only have pictures from the neck up

Clearly they skipped leg day a few too many times and are too embarrassed to show their bodies. Or their bio that claims they are 6’2 would show that they must be pre-growth spurt.

12. Guys who are clearly in a relationship

If his photos are couple photos where he tried to crop her face out, but you can still clearly see who she is in all six pictures, he's in a relationship. Unless you want to sign up for the drama, avoid. If you’re swiping on a college campus, odds are you’ve seen this couple on campus because they’re the ones always holding hands and being obnoxiously couple-y on instagram.

13. Guys who went to or go to a loser school

Sorry if this is harsh. But it’s like the idea that you should always play tennis with someone better than you. Surround yourself with intellectually stimulating people, even if it's just a hookup you're looking for. Find yourself a nice Penn boy, Cornell grad, Columbia student. Trust me on this one.

14. Guys who have a picture they’re not in

WHY? I don’t care about your mediocre Batman, Pokemon, or Lamborghini drawing. (Please refer to number 1)

15. Guys in their 20’s who use prom pics

If he is 27 and hasn't found a handful of decent pics in about 10 years, run.

16. Guys whose name you can’t pronounce

If you can’t pronounce it in your head you won't be able to pronounce it in bed.

As someone who has used the app on and off over the past 4 years and has had a handful of successful Tinder relationships I consider myself a low key Tinder expert. I go through phases of loving it, hating it, deleting it, installing it just to look at boys but left swiping every one, or trying to find someone to take me out Saturday night. No shame and no judgement for why you’re using it.

You do you.

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