15 Thoughts Every Freshmen Has At The End Of Freshman Year | The Odyssey Online
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15 Thoughts Every Freshmen Has At The End Of Freshman Year

Why is it so much harder to say goodbye to freshman year than to go home?

15 Thoughts Every Freshmen Has At The End Of Freshman Year

The end of freshman year is only a few weeks away. This year has gone by so quickly, that I don't want to imagine how quickly in total the four years will fly by. However, now that freshman year is coming to an end, I am starting to feel so many emotions. Thinking about all the memories and good times that have happened during my first year away from home, puts a smile on my face. But at the same time, thinking about how I have to say goodbye to some of my favorite people for the entire summer, is something I can't think about without tearing up. These next few weeks are going to be crazy, but there 15 thoughts that every freshmen feels at the end of their first year at college.

1. The only thing between me and summer is finals.

2. If I don't study for this final, will I still pass the class?

3. Why did I sign up for the hardest classes ever?

4. I miss my parents.

5. I can't wait to see my friends back home.

6. I should probably make plans to see my friends.

7. I am going to miss my friends at school.

8. I need one more epic night with my friends before we all leave.

9. I have to say goodbye to my dorm room.

10. I can't say goodbye to my roommate.

11. I am going to cry so much when I leave school.

12. Why am I sadder to leave school than to go home.

13. I will talk to my friends every day during summer.

14. I can't wait to see my friends again in the fall.

15. I really love college.

Although this year is almost over, I am so glad to know that I still have three more years of the best times, the greatest friends, and making memories. Thanks to everyone that made my freshman year one of the best years, ever.

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