15 Things Incoming George Fox Freshmen Should Know
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15 Things Incoming George Fox Freshmen Should Know

Tips, tricks and encouragement from a current GFU student.

15 Things Incoming George Fox Freshmen Should Know
George Fox University

Hello incoming freshmen! Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Rachel, and I am about to start my second year at George Fox University. I absolutely love this school, and I hope you do too! I know going into your freshman year can be pretty scary and confusing, so I've compiled a list of tips, tricks and encouragement in the hopes to clear up at least a little of the confusion and allay at least a few of the fears:

1. Welcome Weekend is a ton of fun!

It’s going to be hot and there will be a lot of disoriented people… but Welcome Weekend is truly a party! We (the professors, peer advisors, resident assistants and so many more) have been waiting for you all to arrive at Fox, and it’s so exciting to finally meet you. Don’t be afraid to jump into events like the Bruin Adventure, hoe-down or all-campus worship night!

2. Don’t skip out on Late Night at Fred Meyer!

Of all the Welcome Weekend activities, this one is not only super fun, but it’s also super practical. Everything in the store is discounted, and it’s only for Fox students! There’s music, food, free stuff, and it’s a great time to grab those items you forgot to bring.

3. The canyon is an excellent spot to study or relax.

The canyon is beautiful and calming. It’s a great escape during the business of welcome weekend or getting settled into classes. I spent a lot time in the canyon during my first few months at Fox.

4. It’s absolutely fine to sit with strangers in the dining hall.

Uh oh. It’s breakfast time and you don’t know anyone in the cafeteria… I know how daunting it is to walk into the dining hall and not know where to sit. Don’t let that stop you from being brave and walking up to someone else who looks lost and alone. Having a casual conversation with a stranger as you both eat cereal or pancakes is actually a really great way to start getting to know a few people.

5. The people who are paid to help you actually want to help you.

Don’t be afraid of your professors, RA, CAP coach or peer advisors. They’re all here for you. Please don’t feel silly if you want to meet with any of those people. They’ve been hired because they genuinely care about you! If you think your professor is cool, ask to grab coffee with him/her! If you just need someone to talk to, grab an RA or PA and they’ll care about everything you have on your mind, I promise.

6. Visit the IDEA Center early in the semester.

This is one of those things where you really just need to do it. And the sooner the better. It’s good to talk to someone who actually knows how the whole “college thing” works and can tell you how to best distribute your credits over your time at Fox. Meet with the IDEA Center early on in the semester to come up with a 4:3 plan – your CAP Coach will help you map out your 4-year plan. It’s seriously super helpful.

7. Don’t be afraid to visit the Health and Counselling Center.

If you have a cold, go there. They have decongestants. If you’re having trouble transitioning from home to college, go there. They have excellent counselors who love nothing better than helping your semester to go more smoothly. Also, all counselling is free!!

8. The gym is not scary.

You don’t need to be an athlete to visit the GFU gym! The Wheeler Fitness Center is open Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. It’s also open on weekends for slightly shorter hours. Just bring your GFU ID, and enjoy a workout on the well-maintained equipment. Check here for more info on the fitness center.

9. The Chehalem pool is great.

The Chehalem Aquatic Center is free for any GFU students! Just show your ID and you can swim, chill in the hot tub or work out in their weight room. Check here for their hours. This is a great place to go, especially when it’s super hot outside and you want somewhere to cool off.

10. If you’re looking for a church, ask around!

There are so many churches in Newberg… and even more if you include Sherwood, Dundee, Tigard, Beaverton and Portland. The Office of Spiritual and Intercultural Life (also known as SPIL) has compiled a lovely list of all the churches in the area. However, if you find the list long and daunting, ask your RA, PA, members of your sports team, choir or professors where they go to church.

11. Take time to find a place where you can study outside of your dorm room.

Trust me on this one: there will come a point in time when you just won’t be able to focus in your dorm. Whether it be because of roommate distractions or simply because being so close to your bed makes napping too tempting, it’s important to have alternative places where you can study. I personally love doing homework at Coffee Cottage or (during my freshman year) in the Sutton lobby. Chapters, the library and Wood-Mar also have great study spots.

12. Waterproofing spray could save your grades.

Okay so maybe I’m exaggerating. But seriously, waterproofing spray is great for your backpack! It rains a lot in Oregon so your stuff will get wet if you don’t protect it. You can get a can of it at Fred Meyers for about $10 and it’s totally worth the investment.

13. Rain boots are the actual best.

While we’re talking about how to stay dry, I would suggest investing in a good pair of rain boots. I wore my rubber boots for a good 75 percent of October through March of my freshman year. A good raincoat or waterproof jacket are important too. Also! Umbrellas are acceptable when it’s really raining hard. Some pacific northwesterners will make fun of umbrellas no matter what, but I’m from Seattle where it rains (if possible) even more than it does in Oregon, and I do believe that there are acceptable circumstances under which to use umbrellas.

14. Don't stress yourself out with worrying about finding a S.O. right away.

Something that I wish I'd felt a little more chill about is dating during my freshman year. Don't feel pressured to get into a relationship during your first semester. Let yourself settle in and find your footing before you start worrying about that "ring by spring." Be patient and take a deep breath. You have a lot on your plate. Wait for the right relationship.

15. Be Known is not just a slogan.

During Welcome Weekend and other freshmen orientations, you’ve probably heard people tossing around the phrase “Be Known.” Well let me tell you right now, George Fox means it 100 percent. They care about you. They care that Rachel Marcelia from Issaquah, Washington feels at home at Fox both academically and socially. “Be Known” is not a slogan they print on flyers in the hopes of luring in naïve high school students; “Be Known” is a promise that GFU will treat you like the individual, unique person you are and help you best utilize your personal strengths and abilities to fulfill your dreams and grow academically, personally and spiritually.

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