Correct me if I'm wrong but being single makes you so much more aware of all the couples that are surrounding you. It also makes you aware that, somehow, everyone around you is a couple. It can definitely be discouraging at times and make you feel like you're not as great but, honestly, being single right now is the best thing to ever happen to you. There is no better time to be unattached than right now. Chances are, you are doing you and you are killin' it.
This is why you should stay single for as long as you can:
1. You save so much money on holidays and birthday gifts.
Use that extra money to buy a few more bottles of wine. Then thank me for this advice by buying me a bottle as well–I prefer Riesling.
2. You never spend time being jealous or sad or in dumb fights.
It's amazing how much time we waste loading Snapchat stories to see where our dudes are at. And now that Snapchat just created maps to give us a visual... things are even more dangerous.
3. Who cares if you don't have your phone at all times?
In a relationship not answering texts, Snapchats, and phone calls right away means you're probably being shady and cheating. When you're single, you're probably just living your life.
4. You'll have so much room in the bed.
Never will you have to wake up to someone turning over and smacking you in the face with their arm.
5. You don't have to constantly shave your legs.
This varies person to person. If you're like me, you most likely won't shave your legs either way.
6. Go out in public and look around.
Do you see all of the hotties that exist? Take advantage. (Not of them obviously, but of the opportunity).
7. When "Single Ladies" starts playing at the bar...
You are extremely justified in jumping up and down as much as you can.
8. You have the rest of your life to be in a relationship.
When you think about it, if you're married by 30, that's a lot more time coupled up than free birding.
9. You're at your hottest.
Show it off! Don't limit yourself to just one person. Peak. Every. Night.
10. Girls nights can happen all the time.
Whether it be face masks and movies or raging at a bar, we always have the most fun with our girls. Don't limit those nights to when your significant other isn't around.
11. You can go on dates with many different people.
What dinner tastes better than one you didn't pay for?
12. You become a lady-boss.
Nothing will spike a girl's confidence like knowing we're capable of whatever we set our minds to... on our own.
13. You can make all major life decisions for yourself.
This is without a doubt the most important. NEVER make life altering decisions (i.e. choosing a college, city to live, job, studying abroad) based on a boyfriend or girlfriend because, in the end, you are only hurting yourself.
14. You don't have to worry about another person's feelings.
Imagine a world where you can live your life exactly how you want and do whatever you want without having to worry about what a significant other might think? Amazing, I know.
15. There's no need to make compromises at this point in your life.
As I mentioned earlier, this is the biggest time for changes in our lives and we need to be selfish. Don't set your dreams aside to watch someone else's come true first, you're just as important!