15 Reasons Gary Johnson Should Be On The Debate Stage
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15 Reasons Gary Johnson Should Be On The Debate Stage

If libertarian presidential candidate, Gary Johnson can reach 15% in a major poll, he will be on the debate stage alongside Clinton and Trump.

15 Reasons Gary Johnson Should Be On The Debate Stage
Mark Wilson - Getty Images

Gary Johnson is the Libertarian presidential candidate and if you haven't heard of him yet, here's your chance! If Johnson can get a 15% rating in a national poll, he will be the first third party candidate to qualify for the national debate stage with two major party nominees. If that fact alone isn't enough to win your heart, here are 15 reasons Gary Johnson should be on that stage...

1. He will balance the budget.

Johnson has written a proposal to congress for a balanced national budget with logical and necessary cuts and no deficit spending. He plans to veto any and all legislation which leads to deficit spending as that would simply add to the nation's massive and growing debt.

2. He will simplify the tax code.

America's current tax code is upwards of 70,000 pages long and riddled with loopholes that hurt the working members of society yet somehow manage to shelter the one-percenters. Johnson advocates for a single-consumption tax, which would determine your tax bracket based on your gross spending rather than your annual income.

3. He will bring back term limits.

Once elected, many congressional members do not work as representatives of their constituent voters; but rather of lobbyist groups. With re-election in their sights, many put their opinions and constituent opinions on the back burner and work solely for the incentives created by the party-aligned groups with big fat checks and that magic number of votes to keep their power.

4. He will create massive job growth.

The current government regulations not only impede work; they overstep boundaries. Johnson believes that with fewer government regulations, businesses and entrepreneurs could work more efficiently, thus stimulating growth and job creation.

5. He will protect your liberty.

Johnson believes the government has overstepped in the way of personal privacy and that what this country truly needs is a smaller and less invasive government. The American people deserve their right to life, liberty and PRIVACY.

6. He will protect our people at home and stop policing the world.

While we may have made some positive international impacts, the notion that we are abroad in combat to protect our people at home from harm is one that Gary Johnson cannot stand behind. By cutting off funding to violent extremist armies and bringing home our troops, Johnson believes we can make some seriously positive budgetary and diplomatic changes.

7. He will not waste tax payer dollars on a wall.

People who travel to this country legally as immigrants are often valued members of society who statistically do not take jobs from working class Americans, but rather create their own or work the jobs that Americans do not want to work. While it is obvious that this is not always the case, Johnson believes that a much more productive use of time, energy and funds than wall-building would be reform of the system of obtaining citizenship in order to make it a faster and more user-friendly process while keeping out the "criminals and rapists" whom Trump so clearly fears.

8. He will end the war on drugs.

The criminalization of marijuana users has led to America becoming the nation with the world's highest incarceration rate. Well over 100 million Americans have at one time in their lives tried marijuana. The physical detriment of marijuana use is proven to be significantly less than that of alcohol or tobacco use and the intoxicated state of a marijuana allows the user total motor function, unlike that of alcohol which can render users utterly useless and become a detriment to their safety. Yet, marijuana has repeatedly led to the incarceration of first-time offenders without access to high-end lawyers.

9. He will keep the internet free.

Johnson believes that the government has no business setting regulations of internet usage because our nation is one which regards itself for our freedom and one which does not envy the lifestyles of citizens of an oppressive government. While security is important, the value of our right to privacy is one which we, as Americans, reserve.

10. He will protect the environment.

The question we should be asking ourselves is how we as citizens of this planet can change our habits to promote environmental health. Regardless of your beliefs regarding climate change, your job as a citizen of this nation is to hold your government accountable. Johnson believes that reform needs to be made in the political efforts to regulate, tax and manipulate the private sector. The politicians need to realign their ideals to serve the nation rather than political agendas.

11. He will put an end to common core.

The current education system in this nation is run by the Department of Education; a board of bureaucrats who pass bills and make executive decisions with reelection and political agendas in mind. Does this sound like an operation run with the children and their educations in mind? I didn't think so! And neither does Gary Johnson who says we should do away completely with the Department of Education. He believes that public education should be organized and executed from a much more local and personal standpoint with flexibility and success in mind.

12. He will stay out of your personal decisions.

Gary Johnson, like all other members of our national government does not own the rights to your uterus. Therefor, he understands that he does not reserve the right or the entitlement to make your personal decisions regarding abortion or birth-control. Nor does he believe that the government has any business at all in regulation or discussion of your right to act as you please when it comes to your uterus and the children it may one day bare. Johnson believes that issues such as abortion are not those which have any governmental or political ties and he feels that women should have the right to make that choice without political pressures.

13. He has no major party ties.

Gary Johnson is running as a third-party candidate. His views stretch across the aisle. If you find yourself questioning the lesser of the two evils, understand that Johnson is in fact a viable candidate. Because Johnson is running a grassroots libertarian campaign, he has no motivation to pursue a political agenda powered by lobbyists, committees or super PACs. He is not going to vote in alignment with a party but rather with his political convictions and those of his constituents.

14. He is an entrepreneur.

Like most Americans, Johnson's career was not backed by "a small loan of a million dollars" but rather by education, drive and good, old fashioned, hard work. Johnson started a one man handyman business going door-to-door to fund his college education. This small business has flourished into a majorly successful business for the state of New Mexico with employment of over 1,000 workers.

15. He is offering the nation a truly viable third option.

"I hope that people will see that we don't have to sit by the sidelines and watch as the two major parties limit their choices to slightly different flavors of the status quo. It is, in fact, possible to join the fray, stand up for principles and offer a real alternative."

-Gov. Gary Johnson

So now that you've read all about Gary Johnson, if you're #feelingthejohnson, visit https://www.johnsonweld.com/ to learn more or to pledge #15for15 and get him on the main stage! Johnson is a truly viable candidate and he deserves to be heard just as Secretary Clinton and Mr. Trump. So let's make it happen!

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