There are many different personality traits that make a girl who she is, but some are just more interesting than others. We are each flawed in our own unique way, so it's time to embrace and acknowledge the annoying characteristics our friends or ourselves may have.
1. The Bouncer
She's the girl that has a new bff every week. She gets super attached to one girl and hangs out with her 24/7 until she gets bored and picks someone else to follow around the next week.
2. The Twister
This girl is the one that is always scheming and manipulating people for her own personal enjoyment. She's really good at getting what she wants and usually doesn't have a problem destroying others in her way. It's almost impossible to understand how someone can be capable of so much twisting, and it's creepy how good she is at it.
3. The Brilliantly Stupid
This girl could make you believe it's May while you're at a NYE party because she's just that confident and convincing with her flat out wrong statements. She always seems so sure of everything she's saying that others are captivated with her in conversations. No matter how stupid her beliefs are or how little knowledge she actually has about a subject, she's talented at acting like she's smart.
4. The Exaggerator
She's the one that tells a simple story as if the sky is falling. When you first met this girl, your heart would race as fast as hers whenever she'd share some news with you. However, after you caught on to the routine of unbelievable occurrences in this girl's life, you began to find it hard to trust her stories are 100 percent true.
5. The Know-It-All
This is the girl you've learned to just agree with. If you try to argue, you'll lose because she can go on forever. Once you realize she's a stubborn rock, you find it's easier to forfeit your beliefs than to try to explain yourself to her. It's her way or no way, so you do your best to avoid any subject she can object.
6. The Attention Hog
She has got to be the center of attention at all times, and she's probably gotten on your nerves and every other girls' nerves a few hundred times. Sometimes you question if she even notices that there are other people in the world. Her only concern is herself, and she wants to be every other person's main concern too. When you speak to her, you can see that she is not listening because she's too busy watching to make sure every one is looking at her. When a boy gives you attention, she'll be sure to intercept that immediately. She doesn't care about anything except that everyone cares about her. You often wonder if she thinks she's on some kind of reality show by the way she speaks as if everyone wants to hear. It's also easy to see how she always tries to one up the next girl.
7. The Intimidating
She's the girl other girls are friends with because they realize it is better to be on her side than against her. This girl can be mean, and some people are just her friend out of fear of what could happen if they weren't. She's the girl no one wants to mess with and everyone turns to when they need some defense.
8. The One With Alcohol Induced Multiple Personality Syndrome
This girl turns into a completely different person when she's drunk. She could be the sweetest girl in the world, but when she's drunk, she'll rip you a new one. You never know which personality to expect when you approach her at the bar. It's as if the alcohol takes over her entire body and transforms her into a different version of herself.
9. The Hard To Read
She's the one that is mysterious in the sense that no one can tell how she really feels. She keeps the same face and tone of voice in a variety of situations. No one can guess what she's thinking because she doesn't show much expression.
10. The Scandalous
You question if this girl intentionally only does things that she shouldn't. It's like she gets enjoyment out of doing things that are wrong because she never does anything that's right. She's always getting herself into some mess by making decisions that could have easily been avoided. This girl gets a thrill out of surprising people with whatever she's up to.
11. The Conformist
This is the girl that changes herself to be like whoever she's hanging out with at the time. She could hate broccoli, but if her friend says she loves it, she'll say she loves it too. This girl doesn't know how to be herself so she becomes whatever she thinks others want her to be. She's different according to whoever she's around, and it's obvious that she's insecure with herself.
12. The Time Bomb
This girl hardly ever speaks her mind. She lets things build up for months before she finally explodes one day and lets it all out. This girl tries to avoid conflict as much as she can until she ends up storing too much anger and going off on everyone. People notice that she keeps her comments to herself most of the time, so when she eventually gets fed up and has an emotional breakdown, it's shocking.
13. The One With Resting B*tch Face
She's similar to the hard to read girl, but it's not the same. Resting B*tch Face girl permanently looks not amused or really pissed off, but when you speak to her, she can be the friendliest girl on Earth. Granted, that's not always the case, but most of the time, this facial expression is a misrepresentation of the soul inside.
14. The One With FOMO
This girl has extreme Fear Of Missing Out syndrome. She does not like to be by herself, and she worries about what happens when she is not around others. She will not miss a moment of excitement because she is scared of not being a part of the memory. This girl will be the girl that won't go to sleep until everyone's done talking or won't leave the bar until they turn the lights off.