14 Things To Know Before Living In The APH
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14 Things To Know Before Living In The APH

Be prepared for what is coming before you move into the APH.

14 Things To Know Before Living In The APH
Blair Davenport

Appalachian Panhellenic Hall. What a glorious, wondrous place. Full of love, laughter, and sisterhood. It is such a gift to have the opportunity/be forced to live in the A.P.H. and be constantly surrounded by friends. Whether you are super pumped, or completely dreading living there, here are 14 things you should know before move in day.

1. The market food sucks

Yes, it is convenient and nice to have a market right downstairs but trust me it is not all rainbows and butterflies. For about two weeks it will be wonderful. Then, slowly but surely, you will eat all the different types of frozen meals offered and every packaged good they can fit into the small store, and soon become very disgusted and bored with the selection. You will get into a routine of eating the same thing every week because you are too broke and poor to eat out and the dining hall is just way too far. So, be prepared to eat like sh*t and be sad about the gross food.

2. Invest in some cleaning supplies

Having your own bathroom that you only have to share with one other person is a God send. But, since it isn't hall style you wont have people coming in and cleaning your bathroom, so its up to you. Buy some Clorox and Windex and make sure your bathroom stays clean.

3. The "Limbo Floor" AKA the Mez

There is a floor at the APH know as the Mezz Floor that holds a few ballrooms, the kitchen, the laundry room and half a hall full of bedrooms. This floor is somewhat confusing because it is technically the second floor but is labeled as Mezz instead of 2. This can get confusing and some can get lost and not understand if it is below of above the first floor (@LilyGraves), so to help aid you in any confusion, it is ABOVE the first floor and is full of useful things.

4. Leave your door open/unlocked when you are home

One of the best parts of living on the hall is to get closer to your pledge class/sisters, leave your door open and hang out with people when you are home. It is the whole point of the experience, so take advantage of the close proximity and embrace all the weird you will discover about your sisters.

5. But, remember to take time to be alone

Living by the hall can sometimes be a lot, with girls constantly around and people that are always readily available to chill, know that it is okay to take time to just be alone and watch some Netflix (or clog the tub and take a bath) The hall can sometimes be overwhelming, so it is okay to take a step back every now and again.

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Always check it before you try to do laundry. This way you won't have to haul all your stuff down to the Mez just to realize its all full. But, know that doing laundry is a horrible adventure at the aph, so have fun.

7. On nice days, stay on campus

There is nowhere to enjoy the sunshine/outdoors at the APH, so if it is a beautiful day out, stay on campus and hang out on Sanford Mall to get some Vitamin D. If you make the trek back to APH then you will be stuck inside dark, artificially lit rooms.

8. Don't pack your entire closet when you move in

You will have access to literally 30 closets, and will end up wearing other people's clothes half the time you go out, so don't worry about bringing every single article of clothing you own. You will have more options that you could have imagined.

9. Don't get cliquey

Sure, there are girls that you are closer to that others in your pledge class, but try your best not to form cliques. It is normally the groups that get cliquey that end up hating their experience at the APH, don't be those girls. Talk to everyone and try your hardest to get to know the girls that you didn't immediately bond with, if they were chosen to be a sister then they are worth getting to know.

10. Buy some lamps

Trust me when I say you will want some lamps or string lights to add some ambiance to your room. The harsh florescent lights just might kill you, so be prepared.

11. Learn that sharing is caring

At some point every day, someone is going to need something in the hall. Whether it is a Band-Aid, a splash of creamer for their coffee, or a black tank top, someone will always be in need of something. Be giving, because there will come a time where you also desperately need something. Sharing is caring and not sharing is not cool.

12. Parking will always give you a headache

Try to park in the back if you can, it's the shortest walk to the doors and the most convenient. Avoid leaving when you know a sorority is going to have chapter that night, parking turns into a mad house of girls aggressively trying to get good parking, so learn to get aggressive ladies.

13. Taking the stairs is fun

One of the elevators is always broken, and the other one is always full of people trying to get somewhere. Save some time that would have been spent waiting for the elevator and just take the stairs, they really aren't that bad and they will help you get that spring break butt. also avoiding the elevator is avoiding awkward encounters with girls you don't like.

14. Don't wish this time away

You will never be able to live like this again. Yes, it is still a dorm and you still have a roommate, and you have to take a bus and shit gets annoying sometimes. But, being able to live with a bunch of your friends and get to know the girls you get to call sisters is such a blessing. So, take advantage of your time there and don't wish it away because before you know it, it will be gone and you will miss constantly being surrounded by beautiful souls.

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