My whole life, I have always had a dog. My parents were definite believers in "man's best friend". I've had big dogs, little dogs, a little bit crazy dogs, and dogs who have personalities similar to us humans. My dogs have brought me extreme joy throughout my entire life.
So here are reasons that dogs are the best-best-friends that we as people could possibly have.
1.They Love Food Just As Much As You Do.

We have all been a little guilty of bringing home doggy bags, and letting them enjoy a piece of our bacon in the morning. Sometimes they also take it upon themselves to claim your food as theirs as pictured above. It doesn't matter though because they are still cute and you still love them.
2. Naps Are Their Favorite
Even if they nap on top of you. As the saying goes "best friends who nap together stay together" right?
3. Loyalty
They claim you just as much as you claim them. They may give your guests attention, but at the end of they day you are theirs.
4. They Do The Funniest Things
Tucker here enjoys laying upside down, which makes him look like a gremlin, but at least he's happy.
5. Don't Forget How Cute They Are.
If you don't think that face is cute, then I don't know what is.
6. Odds Are, They Are Just Like You
I find that dogs are a reflection of their owner, attitude and all. (This also includes sleep schedules.) Why not have a best friend just like you?
7. They Enjoy You
Even when you put big bows on them, they still always want to be with just you.
8. Dogs Like Adventure Too.
Even if it's from the couch, to the fridge and back.
9. Hello, Puppies.
Need I say more?
10. They Will Protect You. 
Dogs are pretty much like your own personal security guards.
11. They Take Pictures, Even When They Don't Want To.
A.K.A Charlie had a rough day that day.
12. Who Needs Kids When You Have Dog?
I mean they are they same thing right?
13. They love you even after you bathe them.
I think deep down in their little doggy hearts they know you're only doing it because you care... and because they decided to roll in the mud then jump on your couch. But it's fine.
14. Lastly because they bring joy to your life.
If you don't believe me go out and adopt a little pup for yourself, or just look at the rest of these pictures.
Dogs make the best-best-friends because no matter what they stick by your side. We live much longer than they do, so most of the time we are their world and ultimately their entire life. So treat your pup as you would treat your child, love them unconditionally, spoil them, and give them your attention when you have some to spare. They love you more than anything, make sure you show them the same.