13 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Freshman Year Of College | The Odyssey Online
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13 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Freshman Year Of College

This one is for all the incoming freshies.

13 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Freshman Year Of College

As high schoolers, we've all seen the movies. College is the ultimate dream. Boys, parties, new friendships, and a beautiful campus. As kids our expectations of college were built up to these almost un-achievable standards. As my freshman year is quickly coming to a close, I've realized there is no experience like your freshman year of college. But, there are some things I wish I knew beforehand. Things like--

1. Independence isn't all it's cracked up to be.

College is great. You are free to be your own person and make your own rules without Mom or Dad telling you no. But, you will soon discover how demanding college is and that's when you'll see that "being a responsible adult sucks butts."

2. But, the whole no curfew thing is pretty nice.

With that being said, you can come back on a Saturday night at 4 AM without being interrogated by Mom and Dad. It's a pretty liberating feeling, but don't abuse it.

3. 8 a.m. class is your worst enemy.

Just don't do it to yourself. If you're not still snuggled up in bed at 8 AM, you're doing it wrong.

4. Don't take Mom's hugs for granted.

After your 12th birthday you wouldn't be caught dead hugging, talking or even looking at your Mom. Now, I would give anything for another one of Mom's bear hugs when I'm having a bad day.

5. Or her food.

6. You won't remain friends with all of your high school pals.

One of the toughest realities of going to college and moving away from all of your high school friends is discovering who your true friends are. Of course, you will still keep in touch with a few people, but don't expect your circle to remain as big as it was before.

7. You're going to meet some amazing people while you're away.

You will quickly be able to grieve the loss of your old friends with all of the new, amazing friends you're going to make while away at school. Of course, the first couple of days will be rough, but it won't be long before you have a new, solid group of friends.

8. It's okay to step out of your comfort zone.

College is a new start. A chance to really discover who you are. The only way to do that is by stepping out of your comfort zone. Talk to new people or join clubs you never would have in high school. It's okay to be spontaneous!

9. But, don't forget who you are and where you came from.

I think it's safe to say freshman year can be compared to a rollercoaster ride. There will be ups, downs, and you're going to run into people who will attempt to change who you are and what you believe in. Although you will experience a lot of changes your freshman year, it's important that you never forget what you believe in and where you came from.

10. Enjoy every last minute you have with your car.

Let's be real. Your parents definitely abused your driving privileges once you got your license. "Could you run to the store and pick up some eggs?" "Go pick up your brother from his play date." Although I sometimes felt like everyone's personal chauffeur, I miss hour long car rides, jamming to the radio with the windows down. Enjoy your car. Enjoy the fact that you can go anywhere at anytime because the moment you have to take the bus to Target is the moment you realize that everything has changed.

11. Don't let anyone else determine your happiness.

There are going to be a lot of people and things that are going to bring you down. Friends, boys, grades, professors. Someday it's going to feel like everything is just crashing down. Do not let anyone or anything determine your happiness while you're away. Trust me, worrying about boys or how much homework you have will only stress you out more. Let it go and just live your life to the fullest.

12. This isn't high school anymore -- Grades matter.

Believe me when I say, this isn't high school anymore. You can't just do the bare minimum and expect to make it through unscathed. Make solid connections with your professors, go to office hours, and make frequent visits to the library. As long as you are willing to work hard and keep focused, you'll be just fine.

13. This is a new start. Take advantage of it.

This is it. This is the time you've been waiting for. You're a college student now. Take advantage of every opportunity presented to you and make the best of it. Here is the fresh new start you've been waiting for. What are you going to do with it?

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