13 Reasons Why Shameless Is The Best Show On Television
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13 Reasons Why Shameless Is The Best Show On Television

The Gallagher's have captivated households across the nation, join the club.

13 Reasons Why Shameless Is The Best Show On Television

For those who have not already heard of the show, 'Shameless', it is a television series airing on Showtime. It is about a struggling family residing in the south side of Chicago. Its seventh season just wrapped up and it has (thankfully) been renewed for an eighth season. However, it's not like any other show in the sense that you can laugh until your sides hurt, cry, feel grossed out, squeal from happiness, and want to throw the remote at your TV just from watching one episode. Also, the swearing, illegal activity, heavy drinking, and all-around inappropriate content, while seeming like a lot to mentally handle, reels you in like a fish on a hook with each episode you watch.

(Warning: there will be a few minor spoilers ahead!!!)

Nonetheless, the show is just awesome. Thankfully, the first six seasons are currently on Netflix just waiting to be binged. If you are searching for a reason to watch this show or have already binged the entire thing and just want to see more Gallagher greatness, here are 13 points on why Shameless may just be the best show that TV can offer.

1. Every character is absolutely lovable. Even Debbie.....sometimes.

Although their personalities differ and shine in too many ways to count, they all have one thing in common: they have not have a care in the world about what anyone thinks. They wear their south side residency like a golden crown....even though Fiona once pretended she lived on the other side of town to impress a date. (Side note: Fiona tends to screw up a lot, but is always forgiven.)

2. Your living room, bedroom, etc. turns into an actual concert during the theme song.

As soon as you hear that very first guitar riff, you know what you're in for.

3. It brings awareness to mental illness in a way that no Google search can.

Two characters on the show, Ian and his mother, Monica, have bipolar disorder. While their explosive episodes have tended to cause some chaos in the family, such as Ian stealing a baby, they have learned to not let their mental illness control their lives. Together or far apart, they both grow as individuals and learn to cope in their own way.

4. Kev and V's crazy, passionate, hilarious, and unexplainable relationship.

Since day one, Kev and V have been everyone's relationship goals. How they care for each other, joke around, have fun, and thrive off of each other's energy is straight out of a messed up, twisted south side fairy tale.

5. No matter what, Fiona always finds a way to protect and defend the people she loves.

Yes, she tends to screw up quite a lot, but at the end of the day, she's the one getting up early to make the kids' school lunches and putting Jimmy/Steve in his place. Need I say more?

6. Lip Gallagher...the only man in the universe that makes it possible for cigarettes to look healthy.

Not only do his looks captivate an audience, but the unconditional love he has for his family and his unstoppable drive for success (all tied together with a swig of hard liquor and a cigarette, of course) make him absolutely irresistible.

7. Carl's transformation......All I have to say is that Lip's got some competition.

In the first season, Carl is the epitome of that annoying little brother that every older sibling could only dread having. As time goes on, Carl's life experiences not only shape his personality, but his looks also. (For you ladies in high school, he's currently 16. You've got a shot.)

8. Frank's constant antics. Literally constant. It never ends.

As an alcoholic, Frank doesn't really do much good for his family...or anyone else for that matter. Every stunt he pulls throughout the show is for his benefit only. He makes everyone mad, yet somehow still finds a way into everyone's soft spot. It's a Gallagher thing.

9. Every season just gets crazier and crazier.

Just when you thought you've seen it all, Shameless somehow continuously finds a way to change that.

Personally, as a concerned viewer of this show, I am genuinely afraid for what season eight has in store.

10. The Legendary Sheila Jackson

Sheila is a hot mess at all times, but is hands down the kindest woman on the south side....even if the contents of the special box under her bed could prove otherwise.

11. Liam's constant cuteness....even throughout the typical Gallagher chaos.

Although the kid does not say much, his adorable little face is enough to brighten the darkest of moments in the Gallagher household.

12. Ian and Mickey's heartwarming love story (so heartwarming you'll need an abundance of tissues)

From the very beginning, even through Mickey's denial, it was inevitable that this relationship would certainly tear at the heartstrings. The pure, genuine love that they have for each other makes you fall totally in love with them, then comes crashing down in a matter of seconds. Ian helps Mickey grow and mature, while Mickey takes care of Ian and supports him through all his endeavors. It's a win-win situation, even though sometimes things get a little loud and bloody.

13. The crazy, unpredictable, and sometimes uncomfortable scenes.

If you have ever watched an episode of Shameless, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't....just keep your hand on the remote at all times. Some parts may need to be fast forwarded if anyone of the prudish nature is home.

With that being said..........

Log onto Netflix. Subscribe to Showtime. Do what you have to do.

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