13 Reasons Why "13 Reasons Why" Gets It All Wrong
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13 Reasons Why "13 Reasons Why" Gets It All Wrong

The flaws in their depiction of suicide are not only wrong, they are dangerously wrong.

13 Reasons Why "13 Reasons Why" Gets It All Wrong
Teen Vogue

"13 Reasons Why" is one of the most popular shows on Netflix lately, and serves its purpose of being both entertaining and compelling. I loved the book and was excited to watch this series, but was left feeling disappointed. While the show may have been compelling and touched on a number of issues - it also misses the mark way too often and could be considered highly problematic.

SPOILERS AHEAD- Avoid reading if you are currently attempting to avoid spoilers.

1. The show almost completely disregards the element of mental illness.

We rarely are shown a Hannah Baker that is deeply depressed. Suicide, typically, does not occur without a severe struggle with depression. Many humans do not get to that point without some element of mental illness. "13 Reasons Why" disregards this, however, and we are not shown a girl who can't get out of bed sometimes, who socially isolates herself from people, who loses interests in the things she likes, someone with extreme apathy, lack of concentration, insomnia, fatigue, or a loss of appetite. Granted, these are not the symptoms of every suicidal person ever, and everyone feels and exhibits depression very differently; but I would have appreciated a show that did not take mental illness so lightly.

2. Suicide is painted simply as a form of revenge.

Every tape, every "reason why" she ended her life, revolved around the fault of someone else. Yes, bullying is a huge factor in suicide and should not be ignored, but again - this is usually on top of a deep, personal, mental depression (About 90% of people who have committed suicide struggled with a mental illness). Instead, the producers paint it as revenge and give off the impression that she only committed suicide so she could make these tapes and make everyone feel guilty. People should definitely be accountable for their actions, and it's great to shed light on how you can truly affect others; but in reality, we usually do not, and should not, entirely blame everyone else's small mistakes when someone takes their life.

3. Quite frankly, Hannah was a drama queen.

Believe me, I would never call a suicidal or depressed person dramatic because I know what these things truly look like, but in this case, the producers have given me no other choice. Some of the tapes were awful and understandable, yes, but many of them were revolved around events that were kind of ridiculous. You got "best ass?" Your poem was anonymously published? Zach cursed at you? Courtney and Jessica are fake? By ignoring the aspect of her depression and mental state, and then using a couple petty representations of bullying, they give the appearance that suicidal people are dramatic - which is exactly how it should never be portrayed.

4. The graphic scenes were way too graphic for many viewers to be prepared for.

Maybe they got their point across, but maybe it was also way too much for any viewer who has ever been suicidal, depressed or a sexual abuse victim. Sure they give a warning in the beginning of the episodes, but someone binge-watching the show probably won't just turn it off thanks to the warning. Normally there are some regulations around showing graphic suicide on camera because it's an extreme trigger and could be dangerous for someone with deep suicidal thoughts.

5. The only character I genuinely liked was killed.

Jeff Atkins was a sweetheart and very cute. The one person that I actually enjoyed the personality of and made me smile has to get killed and he wasn't even involved? Maybe it helped them show the depths of Sheri's stop sign event, but still, rude.

6. The tape victims weren't even upset.

A girl who was part of their lives has committed suicide, and almost all of them were way more concerned about hiding the tapes. Remorse and grief are very rarely shown on this show, giving yet another harmful idea that people aren't even affected when their friend ends their life.

7. Rape is not taken seriously.

Again, people were more concerned about their stupid tape getting out than they were that two innocent young girls were raped. By the same boy. Seeing everyone brush it off like nothing could heavily affect any viewer who was a victim themselves because why did no one care? On top of that, there was even a significant level of victim blaming. Overall, the utterly and completely wrong way to portray rape.

8. The school counselor was awful, and also shows no remorse.

The man is completely unethical. He treated Hannah awfully: blamed her for her rape, ignored her suicidal commentary, and continued to ignore it all after she died. It may also make people feel like they are making a mistake if they reach out to their counselor. A teacher later comes to him with a piece of her writing that should have been a warning sign, and he tells her to keep it hidden? For the lawsuit? Counselors have certain ethical guidelines--and these are not it.

9. The vague ending is honestly just annoying.

Maybe they were setting themselves up for a second season, but I honestly do not see a purpose in this, especially since there was no second book. If they're not planning on a second season, then there are way too many unanswered questions, that are simply unnecessary factors. Did Alex shoot himself or did Tyler? Was Tyler planning something awful? Did the counselor turn in the tapes? What happened after the parents heard them? What happened to Bryce? Who won the lawsuit? Too many questions we naturally want to know the answers to, but still no certainty on whether they even plan on another season.

10. They acted like the only way to cure suicide is to love them.

Unfortunately, many people commit suicide even while they are genuinely loved by their family and peers. It is insulting to pretend the only way to save someone's life is to love them - because it is often way more than that. It is not nearly as surface-level as they make it all seem.

11. "I cost a girl her life because I was afraid to love her."

Related to the above point, but just reiterates how bad this show has gotten it wrong. Hannah even explicitly stated that Clay was not of blame in her death, yet he makes statements like this believing that "he killed her." Even Tony tells Clay he killed her, which still makes me very confused as to why he says that. Again, the simple factor of 'love' can not always save a suicidal person. Hearing quotes like this eventually becomes insulting.

12. Hannah Baker is a hypocrite.

I wish Hannah was more relatable and I wish I was able to sympathize with her more, but I leave this also to the fault of the producers. She is a straight-up hypocrite in some instances, which completely reduces my empathy for her. She gives Justin a second tape for not stopping Jessica's rape and not telling her, but Hannah did the same thing? She was in the room when it happened and easily could have told Jessica herself. Hypocrite. She hates Sheri for driving away from the fallen stop sign, which I get, but she also could have executed a better solution herself. Not that I am faulting Hannah - but had she stayed at the spot of the stop sign, waited for a car to come, made sure they saw her and stopped, and then used their phone to call the police, I'm sure there could have been no accident.

13. The show portrays the idea that if your voice is unheard in life, it will be amplified in death.

For someone struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, it is often a lonely struggle that leaves you feeling invisible and unheard. This show gives the glamorized idea that your death will make everyone hear your message loud and clear--but we can not promote this idea. No one should ever resort to suicide just to make their point clear, but this show glorifies and idealizes this concept to a dangerous extent. We can not allow people to believe that taking their life will be the ultimate way of returning the favor or the ultimate way to make their story heard. The flaws in depicting suicide in this show are not only wrong, they are dangerously wrong.

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