13 Questions Every Incoming College Freshman Asks | The Odyssey Online
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13 Questions Every Incoming College Freshman Asks

Because none of us really knows what we're doing, right?

13 Questions Every Incoming College Freshman Asks
Bowling Green State University

As the first year of college approaches, all freshman have their own questions. Who wouldn't? It's your first year, you're not going to have it all figured out --- and that's perfectly okay. Overall, I've seen many incoming freshmen ask the same questions, which could only mean one thing: we're all in this together.

1. What should I wear the first day of classes?

You don't want to show up too dressed up, but you also don't want to show up in sweats. So what do you wear? A nice shirt and pants, or a t-shirt and shorts? Or is that too much or too little?

2. When should I buy my textbooks?

Do I wait until after the first day of classes, or do I buy them advanced to feel more prepared? What if I wait to buy my textbooks, and I need them the first day of classes

3. How do I want to decorate my dorm room?

It's hard to plan how you want to decorate your room, especially if you have hardly been in it. How much space will you have? Should you have a theme, or just wing it and go with whatever?

4. What if my roommate and I don't get along?

Every freshman comes into college hoping that they will become best friends with their roommate. But what if that doesn't happen? What if they smell, don't clean up after themselves, or are just plain annoying? Or worse...what if they wake up early every morning, including the weekends?

5. How different is college from high school?

Again, every freshman has high expectations for college, hoping that it's nothing like high school. Are there still cliques? Is there a dress code? Is there such thing as a hall pass?

6. What if I discover I don't like my major?

Did I just waste my first semester, or worst, first year? Is it too late to change my major, and if not, how expensive will it be? What if I don't graduate on time because of this?

7. What school supplies should I buy?

There isn't a list, so what do I buy? Do I need the classic school supplies, like a binder or pencil pouch? Or is it more elaborate, like having your own personal stapler? Probably both --- better buy both to be safe.

8. What clubs/groups/activities should I join?

Do I want to become involved in Greek life? Intramurals? The Nutella Club? The list goes on.

9. Are the professors really that chill (or strict)?

Do they really cancel class because they don't want to teach? Do they not care that you skip class twice a week, or watch puppy videos during their lectures? Or are they truly that harsh and ruthless that they won't answer your questions and not care if you pass or fail?

10. How hard are the classes?

I've heard two different opinions on college classes: they're effortlessly easy, or they're dangerously difficult? Which one is it?

11. What if I get lost going to my first class?

And the second, third, fourth, and fifth class, even though I strategically planned out my route? Is it weird to ask an upperclassman for directions? What if my confusion causes me to be late the first day?

12. Are freshman allowed to be in the first few rows of the student section?

Or is that just reserved for upperclassmen?

13. When should I attend my first college party?

Is it frowned upon for freshman to get automatically involved in the party scene? Should I go to the parties the first night or week, or should I wait until I get more comfortable with the environment and make new friends? And do I really want to be thefreshman who gets crazy drunk during their first college party? Do I even want to party?

The list of questions could go on for miles, but it makes the college transition a little easier knowing you're not the only one who doesn't know what they're doing their first year.

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