12 Shows That All 90's Kids Will Remember | The Odyssey Online
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12 Shows That All 90's Kids Will Remember

A blast from the past that will bring back some fond memories.

12 Shows That All 90's Kids Will Remember

There are certain things that will stick with a person for a lifetime. Some of these things might be things like a gift, a wedding date or a best friend's birthday. One thing that I know that sticks with people are shows that they watched when they were younger.

Get ready for a blast from the past all you 90's kids because here are twelve shows that I am sure you will remember watching growing up. Now these are not ranked in any particular order but you decide what place these hold in your heart.

1. "Boy Meets World"

This was a classic. It had the dopey kid with the crazy best friend. It included a wonderful love story that was just sappy enough to get you interested but not enough to make it sickening. Cory chased after Topanga endlessly to prove to her how much he loved her with Shawn close by his side. It brings back great memories just thinking about the show.

2. "Saved By The Bell"

This was another classic that was centered around the lives of six high school friends and their adventures through that mysterious place. You had Zach, the cool guy and main protagonist, Schreech, the funny nerdy kid, Slater, the jock, Kelly, the popular girl, Lisa, the rich girl, and Jessie, the wise girl. let us not forget the ever present Mr. Belding who seemed to keep all these crazy kids in line. I would be lying if I told you that I didn't ever wish that I went to Bayside High.

3. "Dexter's Laboratory"

This one was a funny little cartoon that didn't stay on air long enough. Everyone remembers Deedee who always broke into his lab. Then proceed to show what wild invention he had come up with that time. You can almost hear him screaming "DEEDEE" at the top of his lungs. One thing that never failed to amaze me was how his lab never seemeed to end even though his house was quite small.

4. "Dragon Tales"

Dragon Tales was a show that seemed to have been on a million years ago but it definitely held a special place in the hearts of dedicated watchers. Max and Emmy would pull out that special stone that would whisk them away to a land of pure joy. One that most children probably dreamed of visiting one day.

5. "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"

Now this was story all about how his life got flipped turned upside down, so let him take a minute just sit right there and tell you how he became the prince of a town called Bel-Air. I know that just about everyone has seen an episode or two of this. It was funny yet relatable in a weird kind of way. Will captured the hearts of millions with his jokes and amazing wisdom.

6. "Hey Arnold!"

Now this one may be kind of hit or miss because only dedicated nickelodeon's watched this show. If you watched it, almost every episode was relatable to your childhood in one way or another. It had just about everything that a cartoon needed. The main character that everyone loved, a crazy evil girl, and a bunch of different friends to fill in the gaps.

7. "Kenan and Kel"

Who loves orange soda? K-K-Kel loves orange soda. These two best friends made a dynamic duo on the screen that had you rolling with laughter almost every episode. From the time when they accidentally messed up the worlds largest ball of twine to the time that Kenan challenged Kel to quit drinking orange soda, his favorite drink. If you never watched this show you definitely missed out in your childhood.

8. "Legends of the Hidden Temple"

A show of epic proportions that had you engaged the entire time. Whether you rooted for the Red Jaguars or the Blue Barracudas or any of the others teams, you definitely had a favorite. From the TV screen you had a feeling you could easily complete the challenges and so you know you always wanted to compete on the show.

9. "Out of the Box"

I think this show made everyone believe that cardboard boxes were one of the best things in life. From the plays that they acted out to the crafts they made, it was always a fun show to watch. In some way or another it made you wish that the show was your actual life and that you could play in the box for a lifetime.

10. "Rocket Power"

in the fictional town of Ocean Shores California four friends competed in some of the most daring sports you could ever think of. From surfing to snowboarding they pretty much done it all and they always hung around their favorite place the Shore Shack. As they would enter these extreme competitions, in the end they would find out that their friendship was more important than winning.

11. "The Wild Thornberries"

A show about a family on a never ending vacation doesn't exactly sound like it would make a great show, but it did. Such a vacation that you wish you could take one yourself. It gave you a sense of adventure that you were dying to fill. Also who can forget the catchy theme song that was always stuck in your head.

12. "Zoboomafoo"

Last but certainly not least comes this classic. The Kratt brothers and Zoboomafoo the black and white Coquerel's Sifaka, or for easier terms monkey. This show was amazing and made you laugh all the while educating you on something new each episode. It was an amazing show while it was on air and it also made everyone want a monkey just like zoboomafoo.

Well there you have it you 90's kids, some of the most memorable shows from our childhood. You decide how these rank in your heart.Maybe this will inspire you to watch some of these shows or recall some of your other favorites.

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