Since I was young, I often wondered what life would be like if I was an only child. During certain situations, I would think about what would happen if I had to live life as the only child, and after a deep realization, I became thankful for my sisters. They manage to drive me crazy and crack me up within a matter of minutes. When I think of the top reasons as to why I am thankful for my sisters, I came up with the following 12 reasons:
1. While growing up, you had multiple off the same outfits.
Whether you liked it or not, your mom dressed you in the exact same Christmas dresses, Old Navy 4th of July shirts, and countless other outfits as your sisters. This more than likely happened for at least the first ten years of life, or until you just couldn’t take it anymore. Looking back on these matching outfits now more than likely makes you laugh uncontrollably.
2. You have too many inside jokes to count.
There isn’t a conversation that goes by that doesn’t involve breaking out in random laughter because of an inside joke between your sisters and you.
3. You (technically) have more than one closet.
Growing up with sisters allows for never-ending sharing of clothes. This works extremely well when you feel that you have nothing to wear, but your sisters have the best outfits in the world. Of course, World War III starts when your sister tries taking your clothes, but for the most part, this a great situation.
4. There’s always someone to do something with.
Starting from the day that your sister was born, you had a built in playing companion. From playing Barbies to dress up when you were young to now having someone to go shopping with or playing a sport, you never had to worry about doing something alone. Sisters are the perfect companion for all of life’s activities.
5. You can be weird with them and there’s no judgment.
There’s really no explanation for this one. Sisters are some of the only people in the world who are totally okay with you being weird around them and not judging you for it.
6. Vacations wouldn’t be the same without them.
Family vacations would be quite different if it were just Dad, Mom, and you. Having sisters on these vacations make the long car rides worth it, the plane rides a lot of fun, and of course makes the destinations 10 times more fun than it would be otherwise.
7. There’s always someone to make fun of and love at the same time.
Who else can you tease, bother, and call names in 10 minutes and still have as a best friend when you’re done? Sisters are some of the only people who are OK with being made fun of, but will still love you in the end.
8. Laughter never stops. Ever.
This is another one that goes without an explanation. Once you start laughing with your sisters, it pretty much never stops.
9. You get used to being called by your sister’s name and just accept it.
Teachers, your parents’ friends, and even your parents mix up your names, and even though it still drives you completely crazy, you’ve learned to live with and accept that it will always happen. Sometimes you’re even secretly thankful that these people think of you in the same way as your sister.
10. Reminiscing about your childhood comes up in about every conversation.
“Remember that time that we choreographed a dance?” or “Remember when we played beach party in the basement?” Stories like this are never-ending and constantly come up at the most random times. Thinking about what you used to do together can be the funniest things ever.
11. You physically can’t stay mad at each other.
No matter what happens, you can’t stay mad at your sister. They can do the worst things and the words said might break your heart at the time, but within 10 minutes something hilarious happens, and you forget why you were mad in the first place.
12. You have a built-in best friend.
The best part about having a sister is that no matter what happens in life, you have a built in best friend for life. They are someone who will stick up for you when you have a break up, laugh with you when you embarrass yourself ridiculously, and remember all the crazy things that happened while you were growing up.
Thank you Megan and Rebecca for making my life crazy, ridiculous, fun and wonderful. I am so thankful to be your sister!