I am a Pacific Northwest native. So when my family moved to the East Coast, I did not know much about what living there would be like. I mean I had some idea…if binge-watching Gossip Girl the year before counts as a resource. But as it turns out, the East Coast somewhat different than what that prep school drama depicted. OK, it’s more than somewhat different.
1. Everyone is nice there.
Don’t be surprised if you end up talking to someone you just met for half an hour in the grocery store.
2. Acme is a legitimate business.
Although as far as I know, you won’t find Wile E. Coyote prowling the aisles.
3. The beaches are warm and nice.
4. There is a thing called “water ice."
It is kind of like watery ice. But yummy.
5. You’ve never seen a real thunderstorm until you’ve seen one on the East Coast.
So much rain… So much wind…
6. Everyone speeds.
*Goes 10 over.*
*Gets tailgated.*
7. You will probably see at least six different states’ license plates on any given day.
You know, when six different people pass you when you won’t go faster than 55 on a 40 mph road.
8. There are so many accents.
Because you can tell if someone’s from Philly or New York just from the way they say a sentence.
9. Sometimes you casually get lost and end up in a different state.
No I’m not joking. This happened to me a couple weeks ago.
10. There is not enough Mexican food.
(Insert crying emoji)
11. But there is a ton of great seafood.
And it's reasonably priced.
12. And of course, everything is historical.
I just think it’s cool.