12 Friends All Of Us Girls Need In Our Lives
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12 Friends All Of Us Girls Need In Our Lives

Because there's no other way to get through life without friends by your side.

12 Friends All Of Us Girls Need In Our Lives

Oh, friends. They are the ones who are there for you when you're going through a crisis or just need somebody to hang out with. Friendships can go as far back to the days of parents making play dates or they can start to blossom in college. Either way, we all have friends that significantly differ from one another and that is what can make friendship so interesting. These are 12 friends that all of us girls need in our lives.

1) The childhood best friend

This is the friend that has seen you through your awkward stages and somehow still loves you. She'll walk into your home without knocking and call your parents "mom" and "dad" and your parents will consider her like a daughter. She has a plethora of embarrassing childhood pictures with you and is saving them for a good throwback picture, so be alert. This is the friend that knows the whole shebang that is going on in your life even if they live across the country from you. They will unquestionably be at your wedding and won't be going anywhere anytime soon. As I said, they've seen you at your awkward stage and still like you. Do I need to say more?

2) The friend that is down to do whatever

This is the friend that you can call at any time of the day and chances are, they'll answer. She will agree to get food with you even though you both are broke and don't have the money to be eating out. She's also perfectly fine with "Netflixing and chilling" while eating a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream in your bed. (She won't judge when you spill the ice cream all over yourself either). You want to just go on a drive? She's down. You want to get your nails done? She's down. This girl is someone we all need.

3) The mom

This is the friend that at all times wants the best for you. She also isn't afraid to use a stern voice with you when she knows you're not making the smartest choices. She will be the one who is taking care of everyone at a party and making sure that everything is not out of control. She probably makes really scrumptious food and cleans like a mad woman. But this girl will give you never-ending love and will be that shoulder to cry on when things are tough.

4) The brutally honest, tell it like it is friend

This is the friend that you sort of want to strangle sometimes because you question if they even have a filter. She will tell you the honest truth even when you don't want to hear it. She will tell you your haircut looks like a five-year-old cut it and that your pants are two sizes too small. She doesn't mean to hurt your feelings, she's just being honest with you. These friends are definitely nice to have, though. She will tell you when the guy you're crushing on is bad news bears and you'll trust her. 9/10 times she's right.

5) The comedian

This is the friend that WE ALL need! Sometimes you'll wonder if they even have a serious bone in their body — probably, but don't question it. She is the one who constantly has her friends in tears from laughing so hard. If you're ever having a bad day, then call this friend because they'll cheer you up.

6) The friend that poops out rainbows

Okay, not literally but you get the gist. This is the optimistic friend that ALWAYS has a smile on her face. She's like a princess straight out of a Disney movie that's dancing and singing with her animal friends. Snow White and Cinderella, anyone? You wonder if they ever stop smiling. They don't. This friend is such a joy to be around because you can't help but smile when you're with them. She makes you feel warm from her bubbly, radiant personality. Hold on to this friend.

7) The athlete

This friend sucks sometimes. But you admire them for being so fit and athletic because all you want to do is lay in bed and eat a big bowl of pasta. She will be the friend that always has beautiful hike locations planned and gets a big group to go. Or she'll occasionally drag you on a run and you'll question your entire friendship with her, but you'll thank her afterward. She's the motivation you need in your life to stay healthy.

8) The cheerleader

This is the friend that is rooting for you no matter what you are doing with your life. She makes you feel a little better about your life even when you aren't doing too hot because she will shout "You got this!" and "Keep going!" So yeah, she's pretty great. Shout out to the friends who are always rooting for me, you rock.

9) The therapist

This is the friend that you call or text when you're going through a heartbreak or life isn't going the way that you planned it would. She will listen to you and truly listen because she cares what you have to say. She listens attentively and will offer her wisdom. This is the friend that genuinely cares about you and has such a beautiful, kind heart that most of us strive to have.

10) The protector

This is the friend that all of your exes and enemies try to evade because she will kick their butt if they say one cruel thing about you. It can be a bit overwhelming at times how defensive this friend is over you — but it's also quite nice. She cares about you like crazy and this is her way of showing it. She will always have your back no matter what.

11) The fun friend

"There she goes again dancing on the tables." This is the friend that is the life of the party and she's probably 10 shots deep when you see her. Even so, she's got a fun aura about her and she'll lighten you up. She's the one who will convince you to toilet paper houses, ding-dong ditch or prank call people. Her actions usually don't make much sense, but you go along with it anyway.

12) The intellectual

This is the friend that is intelligent, motivated and driven and you'll aspire to be like her. She is very focused on her dreams and works hard to get what she wants. She puts in work and doesn't stop working or trying until she gets where she needs to be. This will motivate you and chances are if you surround yourself with this person long enough you'll notice that you will pick up her tendencies and start feeling more motivated.

Friends vary widely on the spectrum when it comes to personalities, but that is also my favorite thing about friendships. From quiet to loud to introvert to extrovert to sporty to girly — they're all great to have in your life and will make life a little brighter every time you see them.

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