On the first Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

12 Days of Christmas: Student Edition

Lyrics replaced with exam week stressors.

a stressed college student during christmas in class some of the students are crying

In This Article:

We all know the either most favorite or most annoying Christmas song ever composed. The 12 Days of Christmas. This ringy-dingy Holiday-filled counting song can instantly get stuck in your head for days at a time. Instead of the 12 days of Christmas, how about 12 Days of Studying because as we all know, with Christmas comes Finals!!

On the first Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me

Stressed Helga

1 Month of Anxiety.

On the Second Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me

Professor saying You're Wrong

2 Professor Visits.

And A Month of Anxiety.

​On the Third Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me

Sleepy Jim in the Office

3 Days Since I've Slept.

2 Professor Visits.

And A Month of Anxiety.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me


4 Hours Till Test Time.

3 Days Since I've Slept.

2 Professor Visits.

And A Month of Anxiety.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me

Burning head in home alone


4 Hours Till Test Time.

3 Days Since I've Slept.

2 Professor Visits.

And A Month of Anxiety.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me

Crying during christmas

6 Hours of Crying.


4 Hours Till Test Time.

3 Days Since I've Slept.

2 Professor Visits.

And A Month of Anxiety.

On the Seventh Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me

Will Ferrell Goodbye

7 Thoughts of Dropout.

6 Hours of Crying.


4 Hours Till Test Time.

3 Days Since I've Slept.

2 Professor Visits.

And A Month of Anxiety.

On the Eighth Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me

Asap Rocky phone

8 Calls To Home.

7 Thoughts of Dropout.

6 Hours of Crying.


4 Hours Till Test Time.

3 Days Since I've Slept.

2 Professor Visits.

And A Month of Anxiety.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me

Mental breakdown and wine

9 Mental Breakdowns.

8 Calls To Home.

7 Thoughts of Dropout.

6 Hours of Crying.


4 Hours Till Test Time.

3 Days Since I've Slept.

2 Professor Visits.

And A Month of Anxiety.

On the Tenth Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me

Stress eating

10 Pounds of Stress-Food.

9 Mental Breakdowns.

8 Calls To Home.

7 Thoughts of Dropout.

6 Hours of Crying.


4 Hours Till Test Time.

3 Days Since I've Slept.

2 Professor Visits.

And A Month of Anxiety.

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me:

Drinking a lot of coffee

11 Cups of Coffee.

10 Pounds of Stress-Food.

9 Mental Breakdowns.

8 Calls To Home.

7 Thoughts of Dropout.

6 Hours of Crying.


4 Hours Till Test Time.

3 Days Since I've Slept.

2 Professor Visits.

And A Month of Anxiety.

​On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, my professor gave to me:

Searching through notes

12 Pages of Notes!

11 Cups of Coffee.

10 Pounds of Stress-Food.

9 Mental Breakdowns.

8 Calls To Home.

7 Thoughts of Dropout.

6 Hours of Crying.


4 Hours Till Test Time.

3 Days Since I've Slept.

2 Professor Visits.

And A Month of Anxiety.

I hope you enjoy this new and improved Student Version of the 12 Days of Christmas. And remember, don't stress out too much about exams. You will do just fine!

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