110 Small Things To Be Happy About Today
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110 Small Things To Be Happy About Today

It's all about the little things.

110 Small Things To Be Happy About Today
Blissfully Kelsey

Sometimes we can get so caught up with our own problems and difficulties, we forget about the amazing little things in our lives. Whether it be opening a new pack of gum after a garlic-heavy dinner, or finally getting over something you were afraid to do for years, it's important to remember and appreciate these small gifts we find in life. Life, in my opinion, is really all about appreciating the little things, because one day when you look back, you'll realize they were the big things all along. Here are some of the little things to appreciate.

1. Getting the perfect pull-through spot in the parking lot.

2. Having a busy day and collapsing in bed after.

3. The first day of school.

4. The last day of school.

5. Kissing someone you really wanted to kiss.

6. Crossing the last thing off your to do list.

7. Road tripping back home and finally seeing buildings you recognize.

8. Nicknames.

9. When one person says “happy birthday” to you in class and then a bunch of other people chime in.

10. Getting recognized for something you love doing.

11. Sunsets and sunrises.

12. Getting a text back from someone you really wanted a text back from.

13. When babies learn how to belly laugh.

14. Picking up someone at the airport.

15. Remembering all you’ve learned from old boyfriends and girlfriends.

16. Bubble baths.

17. The “thank you” wave when you let someone merge ahead of you.

18. Stargazing.

19. Saying what shapes you see in the clouds and trying to explain them to other people who can't see them.

20. Old home movies and pictures.

21. Looking through your old year books.

22. Going to the car wash with little kids.

23. Watching TV shows you watched when you were little and finally understanding the hidden jokes.

24. Being snowed in with someone.

25. Stretching your legs after a long car ride.

26. The first drop on the roller coaster.

27. First dates.

28. People who stay up to call you at midnight on your birthday.

29. How good your room feels when you finally get around to cleaning it.

30. First dances at weddings.

31. Dogs sticking their heads out of windows.

32. Nice cops.

33. When you're sick and someone takes care of you.

34. Arriving at the hotel room the first day of your vacation.

35. Sending your friends embarrassing pictures of them from middle school.

36. The stories frat parties give you.

37. Heartfelt Pinterest gifts.

38. Finding a song that relates to your situation perfectly.

39. Going to a diner at three in the morning.

40. When the band comes back on stage for an encore.

41. Spinning in office chairs.

42. The way your clothes smell after a bonfire.

43. The first beach trip of the summer.

44. Older couples holding hands.

45. When you first become “official” with someone.

46. Watching your favorite movie with someone who hasn’t seen it before.

47. When someone compliments you in front of someone you like.

48. Making wishes: on stars, when your blow out your candles, and at 11:11.

49. Feeling someone smile when you kiss them.

50. Catching a glimpse of the first parade float coming around the corner.

51. Good morning texts.

52. The grand finale at a firework show.

53. Driving around to look at Christmas lights.

54. Pinky promises.

55. Correctly spelling that word you always spell wrong.

56. Really funny speeches at weddings.

57. Finally getting that person who never dances to dance.

58. Unsubscribing from that annoying email feed you’ve been getting for months.

59. When you're close enough with your friends so that double dipping is encouraged.

60. Going to a sporting event with someone who is really into the game.

61. Driving down a road with trees making a canopy above everything.

62. When someone says they’re sorry and they really mean it.

63. Spontaneous snowball fights.

64. Babies in Halloween costumes.

65. The five-second rule.

66. Getting the job.

67. Not getting yelled at by the dentist for not flossing.

68. Inside jokes from a long time ago.

69. Dresses with pockets.

70. When someone trusts you with a secret.

71. Realizing how funny toddlers are.

72. The “talking” phase.

73. When you ask the people in front of you if they’re in line and they’re not.

74. Talking to your favorite teacher from high school.

75. Move-In Day at college.

76. Going really fast over speed bumps behind the school bus.

77. Holding hands.

78. When the slow car moving in front of you finally moves out of the way.

79. Rainbows.

80. People who snort when they laugh too hard.

81. The look on someone’s face when they realize they’re on the big screen at the game.

82. Waking up early to go to the airport.

83. Tripping and realizing no one saw you.

84. The first time you say “I love you.”

85. Seeing people taking prom pictures.

86. Thunderstorms in the summer.

87. Hearing waves crash.

88. The person lying down at the front of the group photo.

89. When they give your pen back after borrowing it.

90. When little kids give you artwork they made for you.

91. Cool moms.

92. People who ask about your day and really listen to your answer.

93. The good kind of stomach butterflies.

94. Slobbery baby kisses.

95. Wind in your hair when you're going fast on a boat.

96. When someone tells you all about something that makes them really excited.

97. Singing in the car.

98. The fact that airplanes exist.

99. When you finally finish packing.

100. Finding out someone has the same birthday as you.

101. People who tell you to text them when you get home so they know you’re safe.

102. Telling your best friend about the new person you like.

103. When the bus driver stops the bus to let you off near your home.

104. Getting a strike when you’re bowling.

105. When someone lands on the hotel you just built in Monopoly.

106. Getting piggy-backed anywhere.

107. Dreams that make you really happy when you wake up.

108. Seeing the skyline appear over the horizon.

109. The way people look when they can't stop smiling.

110. When you remember how lucky you are to be here right now.

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