11 Ways to Alleviate Stress this Semester | The Odyssey Online
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11 Ways to Alleviate Stress this Semester

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11 Ways to Alleviate Stress this Semester
Alive Campus

I’ll admit that I am a high strung person. While the majority of my days are spent high on adrenaline, I know I am not alone. For most people, especially college students, life is fast paced, stressful, and demanding. We power through our days with an IV drip of caffeine, power naps, and motivational quotes on hand to tweet and reassure ourselves and everyone else that “We can do it”. The beginning of any semester is overwhelming, and as it progresses, it only gets harder. Here are some ways to effectively combat stress and find pockets of serenity amidst the chaos.

  1. Take a few minutes to stretch or do a quick workout. Stretching releases tension, and a quick workout releases endorphins, giving you a "runners high" that makes you feel good, and boosts your energy. Here is a link to a quick workout video:
  2. Watch a quick episode of your favorite show to take a break from school work.

  3. Get a good night's rest. Sometimes it is better to get a good night’s sleep then to complete all your homework to perfection. If your brain is tired, you won’t comprehend anything anyway.

  4. Eat whole grains, fruits, veggies, and drink lots of water. When your body is healthy you'll feel better and have more energy. Therefore, you’ll be less likely to get run down and susceptible to sickness.

  5. Change your scenery. Sometimes sitting at one desk or staying in a certain room all day is not good for concentration. Switch up where you study once and a while if you feel that you are having trouble concentrating in one place.

  6. Don’t procrastinate. There is a saying that claims "Inch by inch life’s a since, but yard by yard life is hard." The beauty of college is that syllabuses tell you everything you need to complete for the whole semester. This way you can spread out big reads, projects, and papers over multiple days. This way the amount of work you have becomes more manageable and reduces you stress.

  7. Keep a planner or put all your events into a calendar. When you know what you are doing every day there leaves less room for you to overbook your days, or forget an important event.

  8. Take time to hang out with your friends. Laughing and fooling around is a great way to forget out any stress you may have and alleviate it as well.

  9. Create a playlist for studying. Studies show that music releases stress, especially classical music.

  10. Do not drink caffeinated beverages late at night they will just keep you up when you try to sleep and cost you precious rest.

11. Keep a journal, it is a cathartic way to release stress.

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