11 Underrated Movies
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11 Underrated Movies

11 movies that you may have forgotten

11 Underrated Movies

1.Treasure Planet

At the beginning of this splendid motion picture, Jim is a rebellious teenager driving his mother to the brink of a mental breakdown over his problems with the law. While chasing his childhood dream, he develops into a more responsible individual after bonding with a crew member who's actually an undercover pirate. He gets betrayed by his friend who is also after the legendary planet of treasure, and learns to rely on people and trust them. Overall, it's a great movie and 10/10 would recommend.

2. Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Milo is shot down on multiple ocassions on his proposal to find the lost city of Atlantis. Whn he finally gets the chance to chase his dreams, he goes at it with everything he can. When he realized some of his team was corrupt, he did the right thing even though he could've died and ended up saving the city of Atlantis.

3. Big Hero 6

Big Hero 6 treats depression as an actual illness and shows how to over come it. Hiro struggles over the death of his older brother/role model and is ready to give up on life, until his brother's last creation comes to his aid and units him with friends to avenge his brother. He then learns that violence isn't always the answer.

4. Unitards

After being elected president of the Men's Club, Sam is instructed by the vice principal to bring spirit to the school. After struggling to come up with an idea, Sam and his two best friends come up with the idea of an all men's dance team. The girl's drill team coach doesn't approve and does everything she can to shut them down and disband them.

5. Princess Mononoke

Princess Mononoke is about a boy who goes to find out why nature is attacking humankind and meets a girl who runs with wolves. It's a great eye opener to how much of nature we destroy and devastate for our lives.

6. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

Spirit is the leader of a wild horse pack and gets captured by humans where they try to break him to use. He remains strong and doesn't give in, hence the name. He is rescued by an Indian that had also been captured where he then learns a new meaning to life from the Indian's horse, Rain.

7.Chernobyl Diaries

In this horror film, a group of tourists go to a place by a nuclear power plant with their tour guide despite being warned about the dangers of the area. They go anyways and soon discover that they are not alone. This goes to show that you should trust the locals on near by dangers.

8. 9

In a world where humans and machines are at war, a scientist gives his life to 9 creations in an attempt to stop the machines. It's a great plan, until they realize they have to work together when they struggle to get along.

9. Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas

Despite being manipulated by a powerful Goddess, Sinbad still manages to twist fate and save his friend.

10. Brother Bear

Learning to admit that you're wrong is hard, especially when it costed the life of a kid's mother and being transformed into a bear to realize that.

11. Coraline

Struggling to get along with her mother, Coraline stumbles upon a world similar to hers, where her mother is loving and gives her whatever she wants. However, her "other mother" forces her to choose between the real world or her fantasy world. The only catch is that if she chooses the fantasy world, she has to sew buttons on her eyes and loose her soul.

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