We all have our rough days, some rougher than others. University of Michigan's punter Blake O'Neill knows what that's like. If you didn't hear about the Michigan versus Michigan State game last weekend, Michigan had all but won when O'Neill fumbled the ball and Michigan State recovered it for a touchdown with no time left on the clock. While it may not be entirely O'Neill's fault that Michigan lost, if I were him, I'd probably be wearing a disguise to class for a couple of weeks. We've all been there. Blake O'Neill, you are not alone. College students everywhere know the feeling all too well of being so close, yet so far. Watch this clip of the fumble, then relive all your college struggles.
1. When you studied ridiculously hard for a test and thought you did really well, but actually bombed it.
2. When you showed up for your 9:00 a.m. class only to find out it was canceled.
3. When you thought you found a parking spot after 20 minutes of driving around but the spot was already taken by a tiny Prius you couldn't see.
4. When you weren't paying attention in class and your teacher decided it was the perfect time to ask you a question.
5. When you checked to see how much money is in your bank account and you realized you have $13.34 to get you through the rest of the semester.
6. When you were super excited to eat the leftover pizza in your fridge and you came home to find out your roommate ate it all.
7. When you and your crush had been talking for a while and he randomly stopped answering your texts, basically falling off the face of the earth without any explanation.
8. When you were about to fall asleep and your friend calls you asking for a ride home from the bar.
9. When you thought Four Loko was a good idea. Enough said.
10. When Netflix condescendingly asks you if you're still watching House of Cards four hours later. Yes, Netflix I am now stop judging.
11. When you think about graduating and/or your future for ten seconds and immediately have a full-blown mental breakdown.
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