We've all seen the movies and tv shows that make college out to be these crazily fun four years, and although it is, they left out the fact that the fun only lasts about 24 hours a week until the rest of your agenda hits. And when it hits, it hits hard, and it doesn't ever really let up. Plus, it's that time of the semester where everything's coming down to the wire, and you may be spending more time calculating what you need to get on your final to get an A in the class than you are studying for it. Here are the thoughts of a tired, overworked college student.
1. Why did I do this?
Is this really worth it? Are we absolutely 100% positive that college is the only way to land my dream job and make a living? Because by the looks of my overflowing laundry basket, basically empty fridge, and neglected bed, I'm not sure if the payoff is worth it.
2. I refuse to look at my agenda.
Every time I look online or in my agenda, I see something new that I have to do. Maybe if I just don't look, all my obligations will disappear?3. Mom
Where's a back scratch and home cooked meal when you need one?4. Hungry.
Stress eating? Maybe.
5. Sleepy.
And sleep.
6. I CAN do this.
You don't know how, but you're gonna do it. For just a small moment, there's a little bit of hope. Just a little bit, though.7. I CAN'T do this.
Because then you sit around and get back to work for five more minutes and you realize it's all impossible again. And you're not sure if you even care anymore.
8. All I want to do is sleep.
Do you have any idea how much comfier my bed is than this library chair?
9. And watch Netflix.
And you may...while you're in class. I've neglected all of my shows and all of my characters. They deserve better than this.10. You deserve to skip class today.
Maybe because you haven't done the homework yet, or maybe because you went last time. Either way, you've made it this far so you deserve to have a day off.
11. Christmas break?
Why are you so far away?