11 Things We Need To Stop Judging People For
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11 Things We Need To Stop Judging People For

It's honestly not that hard to be nice.

11 Things We Need To Stop Judging People For

You’re probably aware that people seem to judge every little thing these days. What someone is doing, who they’re dating and even how they do their makeup. Nothing gets away without being criticized anymore. But is it really fair? I mean half of the stuff people judge are based off of things on the internet they see posted by people they don’t even know. Why are we wasting our time judging people we know nothing about? Why can’t we get ourselves to just ignore things we don’t agree with? Here are some things I think need to start being left alone.

1. When someone turns down a marriage proposal.

Yes I understand it sucks when you get down on one knee and try to give your life to someone else and they say no. And it probably sucks more if you proposed to that person in public. But no one is obligated to say yes. You may feel that you are ready to spend your life with them but they may not feel the same way. When a woman turns her significant other’s marriage proposal down she gets berated. People will tell her she’s a bitch or that she has no heart. They question how she could ever have hurt him so badly. I don’t know about you, but I would rather have someone who doesn’t want to spend their life with me just say no. Not say yes and then be miserable and unhappy with me. We should respect the fact that they were honest and that they just do not feel ready to take that next step.

2. When a person breaks up with someone for someone else.

If the person you’re with happens to meet someone else and they choose to leave you for them instead of cheating on you with them, then so be it. If they aren’t as happy as they can be with you and they believe someone else will make them happier then let them go. Do not paint them in a bad light and tell everyone how awful or mean they are. I know it hurts, but again, why would you want someone to stay with you if they aren’t happy? It also gives you the opportunity to find someone that does feel happy as can be with you. Not everyone is meant to be.

3. That one friend that doesn’t want to go out and drink.

Time and time again you invite them to go out with you and every time they say no. After awhile you find yourself picking on them about it or getting angry at them because you think they don’t want to have a night out with you and your other friends. You need to remember that maybe they just don’t want to drink. Maybe they just don’t like going out in general. And maybe you’re hurting them when you and your friends “roast” them about it. Not everyone enjoys a night out on the town. Invite them to do other things instead of choosing to not invite them anywhere anymore.

4. For choosing to not go to college.

School just isn’t for everyone. If someone decides they belong in the work force after they graduate high school then that is their choice. It doesn’t make them beneath anyone who is in college. They aren’t less intelligent, they aren’t lazy and they aren’t failures. They are just people who graduated from high school and decided they were done with school. There’s just no reason to put someone down for that.

5. For choosing to go to college.

Yes, people do get judged for this. People have told me that college is a waste of my money. That it was stupid to go since I’ll be in debt for the rest of my life. Or that most people in my field don’t even get jobs when they graduate. Except they forget that college is also about expanding your education and learning about something that’s important to you. Other people want to experience dorm life and living on their own without having to commit to a lease for a house/apartment before they’re ready. So what that they have to take out crazy expensive loans to do it? That’s their choice.

6. For enjoying casual sex.

Slut shaming needs to stop already. I’m sorry it makes you uncomfortable for whatever reason because someone sleeps around. When a person is single and chooses sleep with other single people, how is that any of your business? It has literally no effect on your life whatsoever. Who cares if that girl Sally you hear about has had multiple partners? Did she use your body? No. There is actually zero reasons why you need to say anything about it at all, especially anything bad. It’s not your life to worry about or judge.

7. If they like wearing a lot of makeup.

Whoever came up with the insult “cake face” actually deserves a cake thrown at their face. So what if you don’t like makeup, that doesn’t mean other people have to stop wearing it in order to avoid your judgment. If you don’t like it, don’t look. Those people spend time putting their makeup on and making themselves feel good. Who gave you the right to be the one to make them feel uncomfortable about their appearance?

8. If they don’t like wearing makeup.

I get that it is fun to do someone’s makeup. But if they don’t already wear it, don’t try to force it on them. Saying things like “You’d look better if you filled your eyebrows in.” or “I bet you’d look great with some foundation.” may not seem rude to you but they aren’t wearing makeup because that’s how they feel comfortable with themselves. Saying they would look better or anything is a good way to make them feel self conscious about that part of their face. Just like someone would compliment how well you did your makeup, compliment their bare face. Don’t tell them they should change their appearance in any way if they already don’t.

9. Girls who prefer wearing more revealing clothes.

This is another thing that if it makes you feel uncomfortable to see than look away. Never call a girl a slut because she likes her cleavage showing. She was born with boobs and can do what she likes with them. And don’t assume you can treat her any less because she exposes herself. She is the same exact person as if she was wearing overalls and a jacket. Just because you can see a part of her butt doesn’t mean she’s inviting you touch it or cat call her. They are just body parts. And if it makes you uncomfortable because your boyfriend might get distracted to her or even flirt with her because of it then that’s not her fault, it’s your boyfriend’s for not being able to control himself around other woman. They're our bodies we can do what we want with them.

10. If someone keeps going back to someone who hurt them.

This happens all the time. Someone leaves someone else because they aren’t treating them well but constantly go back to them just to break up again. And yeah it might bother you if you had given them advice and they still go back to them, but it is not your relationship. And if it annoys you to see/hear about it then remove yourself from the situation. It is their responsibility to learn from their own mistakes. Or maybe they just can’t help that they love the person. No matter what the reason for going back is, it is not your place to tell them they’re stupid or any other rude remark. Either support them or ignore it. You only make yourself look bad for being mean to someone over something that doesn’t actually effect you unless you allow it to.

11. When a person is doing something they love.

Okay so when did hobbies have genders? When did it become okay to call a boy in drama club gay? Or to call a girl a “truck slut” because she likes trucks/people who have trucks? Just like you, as they have grown they find out the things they enjoy doing. It doesn’t matter if it’s something that you would never do. That doesn’t give you the right to bully them. It’s actually pretty pathetic to pick on someone because they do something that someone their gender wouldn’t normally do. Boys can knit and boys can do cheer leading. Girls can like to fish and play video games for fun without people saying she’s a poser that does it to get guys to like her. Newsflash! maybe, and I know this sounds crazy, but maybe people just want to do things without hearing your negative input. So next time you feel the inclination to bash someone for really any reason, just keep your damn mouth shut. Bullying someone doesn’t make them look bad, it only reflects the kind of person you are, which isn’t really something a good person would do.

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