11 Things No One Is Looking Forward To During Winter Break
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11 Things No One Is Looking Forward To During Winter Break

Being home is great, until it's not

11 Things No One Is Looking Forward To During Winter Break
Walt Disney's Frozen

You've been counting down the days until finals are over and you can be home and happy with no responsibilities. Until you remember all the things you hated about the last break and you just aren't ready for it.

1. Spending Money.

Being in college means Mom no longer buys your presents for other people. You have to spend your own money, but like doesn’t she know you don’t have any? Plus, you have to buy things for so many people. Your friends actually matter to you enough now that they deserve an awesome present but really you just end up crafting them some cute picture frame three days before and hoping they did the same, but normally they killed the present game and you just feel awkward and poor.

2. High School People.

It is your first year back, you wanted to see everyone. You went back to visit your high school, went to some sporting events, and went out of you way to say hi to that person who sat next to you in chemistry class, or was it bio? Who cares! You run and scream, and hug them like they are your best friend; but when it comes to running into them randomly, you are ducking around corners, running in opposite directions and just full on ignoring everyone you recognize. Except those few people who you are still actually friends with, them you chill with, but in your house. As far away from socialization as you can get.

3. Questions.

It’s like they didn’t ask enough during Thanksgiving. Everyone wants to know who you are dating, and if you aren’t seeing anyone its “why don’t you have a boyfriend?” “I don’t know Aunt Karen maybe BOYS DON’T LIKE ME. Suddenly, every boy you ever post anything about is suddenly your boyfriend to grandma... “No grandma, he’s just some guy I drunkenly took a picture with at a party.” There is also the dreaded “what are you going to do after graduation?” ATTENTION ALL FAMILY MEMBERS DO NOT ASK THIS QUESTION! I don’t know what I am going to do after graduation. I barely know what I’m going to do tomorrow or even if I am going to pass my classes. Honestly, I would like to never graduate. Happy? No? GOOD.

4. “You sleep too much, get out and do something.”

Dear parents, do you know what my sleep schedule is at school? It’s something like go to bed at 3 a.m. wake up at 9 a.m. Some days I try to fit a nap in but most of the time I can’t. This goes on and on until I can finally get some sleep and then I end up sleeping for about 15 hours. I’m not kidding, this has happened. So when I finally have days off I am going to sleep all I want and watch lots of Netflix and not care about anything, sorry bye.

5. Adulting.

Parents just don’t seem to understand that when you are home, you don’t want to do the stuff you have to do at school. You don’t want to do your laundry or cook your meals or go shopping for yourself. You do that all the time at school, can’t you just do it for me now mommy? PLEASE. Adulting is hard and you only have a few more years to take care of me. Take advantage of it PLEASE!!!!

6. Not having clothes.

99.9% of your clothes are at school. So when you come home you don’t have all of your options. You can’t bring home everything or if you do, mom judges you. So you have to wear the few things you left home, but you left them home for a reason. Or you wear the same outfit ten times and borrow mom’s camis and socks because you didn’t bring home any of those WHOOPS.

7. You can’t drink every weekend/day.

This is especially if you aren’t legal yet. You get into such a normal groove where you’re having a glass of wine (or 4) almost every night. Now, mom watches you if you even go near the liquor cabinet. Plus you’re back to parties with the people you went to high school with in a gross, not finished basement and not even close to being fun and you have to stumble into your house and pray to god you don’t wake up your parents.

8. “Where are you going?”

I go where I want and do whatever I want when I am at school, you don’t care then, why does it matter now? I am hanging out with the same 5 people I have been since high school, I am fine. You do not have to worry about what am I am doing and I swear to god if you give me a curfew I am moving out. Wait wait wait just kidding I’m never leaving I love you, mommy.

9. “Clean your room!”

You spend most of break living out of the bag you brought home so obviously your room is going to get messy. But why does mom care so much? My room is GROSS at school and no one cares but I am home for three days and I have to clean my room four times when it is not even half as dirty as it gets at school. And why can’t I keep the empty pizza boxes in my room? I am saving them.

10. Your bedroom just isn’t same.

There was once a time that your school bed was like a brick. However, it has finally become your real home and now you have to leave it for a month. Just to go home to all of your JoBros posters and pictures of people you don’t talk to anymore. Plus it’s not the same without your roomie.

11. You just want to be back at school.

As much as you hate classwork and like actual school things, you want to be there. You miss your roommates and your other friends. You miss the simplicity of campus and you sometimes like being an adult. So you count the days until you are back and then begin the countdown to summer.

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