11 Things I Love About Living In Anchorage
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11 Things I Love About Living In Anchorage

What an Anchorage local misses when she leaves.

11 Things I Love About Living In Anchorage

Another summer in Anchorage is drawing to a close, and honestly, I'm going to miss it more than ever as I head back to school out of state for the fourth year in a row. I recently read an article titled "16 Ways Living In Alaska Ruins You For Life" and it got me feeling all the feels. Fellow Anchoragites, perhaps you can identify with me on some of the things we miss when we have to bid our beloved city goodbye.

1. The Big City/Small Town Feel

I remember leaving Anchorage telling myself, “okay, I just need to find another city like this, with that big town reality but a small town feel.” However, I’m starting to find, nothing quite like this exists anywhere else. Where else can you run into someone you know on nearly every side of town, while still have access to all major grocery stores, two fairly large shopping malls, University of Alaska Anchorage, plus a school district of nearly 100 schools and an entire historic downtown?

2. The Community

Because of the small town nature of this beautiful city, and probably due to the nature of the harsher winters and families that move here without any other connection, Anchorage locals know to come alongside each other regardless of relationship and free of ulterior motives. Friendships can be made anywhere, and family can be found everywhere. From newfound hiking companions, last night’s swing dance partner or even the local shop owners, we’re all in this together.

3. The Wildlife

Where else can you wake up with moose in your yard? It’s like they’re family, too. It is a big, wild life, after all.

4. The "Chill"

The more I leave this place, the more laid back I’m reminded life is supposed to be, and the more I’m reminded of this, the more I fall back in love with Alaska. I don’t know what it is about the rest of the world, but it all just moves so, so quickly. Why don’t we take time to slow down a little? What’s more, we’re not bothered too easily. No need to get upset over the littlest of things, everything goes as we go with the flow. It’s whatever. Most of Anchorage (and especially the rest of Alaska) has found life is a bit more life-giving this way. Maybe that’s why I struggle to be punctual or park straight. Anchorage is pretty much an Arctic “Hakuna Matana” city. We like to keep our temperatures pretty chill, too.

5. The Scenery

The Pacific Northwest has some mountains, and I hear there’s some rolling hills in the Midwest. Both coasts have some beaches, and I know the U.S. has some deserts. But where else can you find something like this?

6. The Endless Hiking Opportunities

Not just a little nature walk, either. The ever-popular Flat Top is only a few minutes up the hill from town, but when you’re at the foot of the Chugach mountain range, your options are pretty unlimited.

7. The Roadtrips

If the Anchorage opportunities aren’t satisfying, hop in your all-wheel-drive and hit the road! Anywhere you drive, you’ll end up in nature, whether you’re seeking a spot to climb some rocks, catch some fish, hike some mountains or simply to get away for a bit.

8. The Highways

To get out of Anchorage, you have two options: The Seward Highway, headed south, and the Glenn Highway, headed north. We like to keep things less complicated here. On average, most sections are only one or two lanes each. Unlike the lower 48, you don't drive through city after city after city (remember, we're the capital of "chill"). Stop-and-go traffic simply isn’t heard of, either highway is the scenic route, and billboards are illegal here so as to not block the beautiful view!

9. The Coffee

It’s been said that Seattle’s the coffee snob city. Starbucks needs to step aside; you haven’t had real coffee ‘til you’ve tried Alaskan coffee. In fact, Anchorage has more coffee shops per capita than any other city in America. Our three main local roasters include Kaladi Brothers, SteamDot and Black Cup Coffee, with over a dozen locations spread out throughout town.

10. The Coffee Stands

That being said, most of those coffee shops per capita are at those little drive thru coffee stands. This ain’t your ordinary Dutch Brothers, either. No, these are mostly privately and locally owned, each with their own unique spin on the clever coffee puns, from Java the Hut to Zombeans (“coffee so good it can wake the dead”) Alaskans are proud of what uniqueness they have to offer the coffee community here.

11. The Tourists

I work for a tourism company, what can I say? Tourism is the second of the five major industries in Alaska, after all.

But truly, it’s a joy for us locals to show y’all around and help you discover the beautiful place in which we live. It’s amazing to hear all the stories of folks who’ve traveled far and wide from their homes just to see ours.

And like most of our tourists, as I say goodbye to Anchorage, I'll be looking forward to my return to this beautiful city. How beautiful it is to call it home.

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