As a girl new to this whole thing called the real world, and by real world I mean college (and yes, I am fully aware that it compares nothing to actually holding down a job, and a marriage, and kids, etc), I have learned that friendships on this side of the sphere are 100 percent different and new in terms of what you had, what you need, and what the people around you are willing to provide.
I have learned more about my friends and my ability to be a friend in the past few months than I ever thought possible, and it lead me to wondering what it takes to actually be my friend. When I sit and ponder, a feeling of thankfulness washes over me — I am truly blessed. So today, I want to take the time to thank my friends for a few things I take for granted.
1. Remembering me, when I so often forget you.
So while I'm sitting and thinking about all the ways and things you do for me, I notice that I myself am a pretty crappy friend. I forgot to text you good luck on your test, I forgot to congratulate you on your newest accomplishment, or I just forgot in general that you may need someone to look at you and say "hey what's up?". But you have never forgotten that for me. Always remembering when I have a busy week or am having a stressful time. So thank you for keeping up with me despite my inability to do the same for you; I promise I don't love you any less I am just a mess.
2. Letting me annoy you.
3. Calling me out on my mess.
4. Going on dates.
You're literally (and if your a "Parks and Rec" fan you said that in the voice of Chris Traeger) my favorite date. I don't care what we're doing, if it's a night I've devoted to you it is a night I am happy. Thank you for all of our countless dates.
5. Sharing our victories.![]()
If you win, I win. If I win, you win. You've always been as happy for me and my successes as I have been for yours. We literally are a team and have never experienced the award jealousy or envy that other girls have with one another. You want me to be the best version of myself, and believe it or not that's the version of me that has you.
6. Therapy.
You have saved me countless dollars in what I would have had to spend to go to therapy. I'm a bit insane, and I don't always handle my problems logically but you always listen. We can sit and talk for hours and you're always there helping me get it all worked out.
7. Dressing me.
I literally have zero fashion sense, and not only do you put up with it you often guide me to better ways. Thank you for not letting me go out in my pajamas, multiple patterns, and every other fashion don't out there that I probably am clueless to and would wear.
8. Letting me be weird.![]()
You definitely didn't sign up for it, but you let me dance awkwardly in public, say insanely awkward statements, and basically defy every social norm out there. We've totally sat in a restaurant and played out that Bridesmaids scene and I'm glad you aren't embarrassed by it because I'm not either.
9. Being consistent when I'm redundant.
I am so repetitive. I obsess over the same issues and the same problems every week. But, you never fail me. Sure I get the occasional huff and puff, the eye roll, and the "look" but you still remind me constantly how to handle the situation and that I'm going to be alright. 10. Understanding my mood swings.
You let me have my weeks. You let me snap at you, boss you around, cry, scream, eat obnoxiously, and complain. You get that I'm a whirlwind and you never fail to just ride out the storm.
11. Making me laugh.
At the end of the day, I can always count you to put a smile one my face. Via snapchat, text, FaceTime, or hanging out you are always a source of joy and for that I could never be more thankful.