11 Signs You're A Super Senior | The Odyssey Online
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11 Signs You're A Super Senior

Super seniors are everywhere, just peel your eyes!

11 Signs You're A Super Senior
College Counseling Culture


Just think of that word. What does it mean to you? Because it is not as clear-cut as you think it’ll be. You may actually become a ‘super senior.’

What is a ‘Super Senior?’

It’s a term (made by students) that defines a college student who attends school on their fifth or sixth year. In other words, you have some type of seniority over the other students.

It varies for everyone. Some people stay for four years and others stay for longer. It depends on the school and different schools have different year requirements for specific degrees. Sometimes, there are certain obstacles and changes that happen and throws you off course as you reach towards graduation. For example, at Rosemont, I am studying for my B.A in English which I thought would take only four years. But I have been proven wrong. I am currently continuing through the fifth year, only a semester, to acquire more credits to complete the college’s requirement of 120 credits. It is not a bad thing at all. It just means a little more time, and let’s be honest, more money to reach graduation. I’m not the only one and I’m sure there are many others in the same position. Can’t tell who is a super senior? Here are 11 signs on how to tell if you're a super senior.

1. You seem to know most of the staff on campus, including professors, the housekeeping and maintenance crews.

This is the way you wave when you seem them.

2. You don’t participate in most activities on campus anymore.

But you make it to some events that give away water bottles, shirts, and other freebies...We're broke college students, let us be great!

3. You’ve stopped dressing to impress.

At this point, the only time you'd get dressed is for the first day for first impressions. After that, its a T-shirt with sweats and flip-flops.

4. You avoid talking to alumnus as they begin their adult life.

We're not ready to talk about debt and the work life even though it's creeping up on us.

5. You can spot certain people from a mile away.

People have specific demeanor, and based on your previous experience, you can spot people from a mile away.

6. You’ve stopped caring about the drama on campus.

You better John Cena them!

7. You’re stuck in classes with underclassmen.

You learn to be solo when you surrounded by freshmen because you've neglected to take the class with your own class.

8. All-nighters are easy to do now.

It comes easy when there is a deadline. You no longer stress or worry because you'll get to sleep it all away after the class is over. Unless you have back to backs, which would really be unfortunate.

9. All you do is eat, go to class, and nap.

This has been your life and it will continue to be your life.

10. Find yourself telling the underclassmen the ins-and-outs of the school.

Especially when they ask which building is what and who teaches what class.

11. You’ve got the whole college thing down to a ‘T.’

You don't even stress about packing and moving in anymore, you just go with the flow.

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