11 Questions To Ask Your Possible College Roommate | The Odyssey Online
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11 Questions To Ask Your Possible College Roommate

It can feel impossible to pick a roommate, but ask the right questions and you might get lucky!

11 Questions To Ask Your Possible College Roommate
Digital Spy

When choosing a college roommate, there are many things to consider. If you have similar interests, how compatible you are, what your college goals and plans are, etc. Choosing a roommate can be difficult. Of course when getting to know someone, you ask them pretty general questions like how many siblings they have or what their favorite color is, but when picking a roommate, you have to go deeper. So, here are some really important questions to ask when picking your soon-to-be roommate.

1. What is your balance between study time and party time?

This might seem like a strange question but in my non-expert opinion, it's important. College is a time in your life when you are going to be meeting all kinds of people. When picking a roommate, you need to know who they are. If they're a hardcore party person, and you totally aren't down for that, then it probably wouldn't be a good idea for you to room together, so this a good first question after you get through all the basic stuff.

2. Are you a morning person or a night person?

This could be a deal breaker because if you plan on going to bed at ten in order to get enough sleep so you can be up for your 8 AM class, and your roommate is up until 3 AM, that isn't going to work. Trying to find someone with similar sleeping habits can be really important to some, and not as important to others, but either way it's an important question.

3. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Whether it's snoring, loud chewers, or when people are chronically late, you definitely don't want to room with someone who is often guilty of your pet peeve, whatever it may be.

4. How supportive are you of your friends?

This was an important question for me because I'm the type of person who tries to be a really supportive person, even when I don't necessarily agree with what the person is doing. So, having a person who is supportive was important to me. (Shout out to my super supportive roomie!)

5. What are your favorite foods or snacks?

This question isn't crucial or anything but if you're a foodie at heart like I tend to be, you will want to know what places your possible roommate will want to eat at and the snacks they'll want to have in the room.

6. How often do you plan on being in the room?

For this question, this can be a good indicator on whether your roommate will want to study in the library or possibly even in a study group or anything. This just gives you the ability to see whether your roommate wants to be involved with other students on campus or whether they're more shy and want to be in the room more.

7. Are you willing to share your things?

This is a super important question if you're really weird about sharing your personal items with other people. Personally my roommate and I agreed that we can share our stuff as long as the other is asked permission first!

8. Are you neat or messy?

This question. You have to know whether you're going to be living with Pigpen from Charlie Brown or someone who is a total clean freak, so this is a super important question to ask your potential roomie.

9. How close do you want to be with your roommate/roommates?

Some people want to make a new best friend for life and some just want the presence of another person so they don't feel completely alone in a new and unfamiliar place. It's a good idea to be on the same page with the person you're considering rooming with about whether you want to be close friends or just passing acquaintances.

10. Where do you stand on a political and religious standpoint?

This question is crucial because you don't want to be constantly fighting over the most recent political news or over religiosity with the person who you should not be constantly fighting with. Fighting makes it really hard to enjoy college and can eventually make it hard to live with the other person and can maybe even cause one roommate to move out.

11. Is there anything important I need to know about you?

Whether it's them letting you know about any allergies they may have or maybe a condition or health issue that they have. It's a really important question to ask your possible roommate, especially if they are very honest with you, expressing possible concerns they might have, opening up about personal issues, or just simple personal history.

When choosing a roommate, choose wisely and look for people like you and you could get lucky!

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