Orange Is the New Black Season Four recently hit Netflix, and boy does it look intense. Filled with new inmates, fights, drama, and excitement, it seems like the year that the viewers had to wait to watch it, was totally worth it. I recently just finished watching Season Four and I am left with nothing but 5,000 different emotions.
Here are 11 different emotions that you probably have experienced while watching Orange Is the New Black Season Four as told by the ladies of Litchfield Penitentiary.
1. Excitement: because you have waited a year for season 4 to come to Netflix.
2. Confusion: when you forgot who some of the characters were because you have not watched it in a year.
3. Sadness: You felt like you just started watching it and you already reached the season finale.
4. Regret: You watched the entire season in one sitting and now have nothing to look forward to.
5. Exhaustion: because you did watch the whole thing at once, you probably stayed up all night and are way to tired to function.
6. Love: You missed all of your favorite Litchfield Inmates, and are in love with some of the new ones.
7. Agony: The drama in this season is driving you absolutely insane and you are perfectly okay with it.
8. Fear: You are literally on the edge of your seat fearing for some of the inmate's lives.
9. Uncontrollable Laughter: The sassy remarks and snarky comments from the inmates leave you dying of laughter.
10. Shock: Jaw dropping events happen this season...just watch.
11. Hungry: The entire season is approximately 13 hours long, so if you do end up watching it all at once, have some snacks ready to go.
So grab food, buckle up and get ready for the intensity of Season Four of Orange is the New Black (and then mentally prepare yourself to wait a year for Season 5).