The internet is constantly flooded with content from users that wish to have their short clips go viral. Through the years, cat videos have been all the rage -- mostly because cats are crazy, and we love to laugh at the stupid things these felines do. The attention on cat behavior sometimes will overshadow the quality of a great dog video. Though cat videos are perfect for a good laugh, dog videos usually are able to make their views both laugh and audibly "awwwww." For this reason, I sacrificed some of own quality time to surf the internet in hopes of finding some dog videos that will prove this statement to be true.
Here is a list of some of my favorite dog videos that you should watch whenever you need a smile:
1. Dog vs. lemon.
Watch and enjoy as this little puppy tastes its first lemon. The lemon might be a little too sour for this Bernese Mountain pup, but this video is sweet as pie.
2. Corgis being corgis.
Fluffy Corgis playing and failing at climbing stairs is the perfect way to lift any persons spirits.
3. If dogs could talk.
This video may seem incredibly strange and slightly terrifying at first, but you can not deny its genius. I hope that one day we are able to understand what our dogs are thinking, but for now I will blindly accept that this video contains the accurate internal thoughts of mans best friend.
4. Ultimate dog tease.
This pup takes "puppy dog eyes" to a whole new level. He deserves a heavy helping of meat after this cruel torture.
5. Welcome home.
If you enjoy watching videos of soldiers surprising their family members when they return from deployment, you'll love seeing the reaction of this boxer welcoming his dad home.
6. The dog that can't catch.
You gotta give the dog some credit... he does try really hard to catch the food thrown to him in this video. Unfortunately, he just can't seem to get the timing quite right.
7. Cowboy bulldog.
Proof that every dog owner should put their pup in a cowboy costume and teach it how to ride a wooden horse. Priceless.
8. Bark-thoven.
This dog has serious vocal skills. I only wish I could play the piano as well as he can.
9. Carrie the dancing dog.
Skip to 1:20 to see this dancing duo. Carrie really knows how to bust a move.
10. You shall not pass
Here is a compilation video of different dogs that are too scared to walk past their cat brothers and sisters. You may not understand why a Great Dane can't step around a little kitty, but it sure does make for a great video.
11. Puppies' first swim.
If the other 10 videos in this list didn't make you smile, this last one will do the trick. This video is drowning in cuteness that is sure to turn any frown upside down.
If you liked the video of the "Bernese Mountain Dog vs. Lemon" - here is another Berner experiencing his first interaction with the sour fruit.