100 Things I Learned During my Freshman Year
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100 Things I Learned During my Freshman Year

Ready or not, here freshmen year comes! You're finally leaving the nest my friend.

100 Things I Learned During my Freshman Year
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We all have to go through Freshmen year of college eventually. It is either a blessing or a curse but here are 100 things I learned during my freshmen year that will most likely help you.

  1. Saying goodbye to your dad is actually super hard
  2. Saying goodbye to your mom is actually way harder
  3. Saying hello to a new environment is actually pretty hard as well
  4. Professors don’t want you to fail
  5. If you fail, YOU did something wrong not them
  6. Okay but some professors do really suck
  7. Take every volunteer opportunity you can (even if it's for a free T-shirt)
  8. Regardless of how much snow is on the ground you better get your butt out of bed and go! (every class you miss is money lost)
  9. Jeans is indeed dressing up
  10. Do your homework as soon as you get it because you will get more
  11. If something doesn’t work out right away, don’t worry, it WILL get better
  12. You will probably find your best friend within your first week of school
  13. Don't judge someone you don't know because they WILL become your best friend
  14. The food isn't as good as you may think but that doesn't mean to waste your money at fast food places
  15. You do NOT have to say "yes" to everything that comes across your plate
  16. You will get sick, don't use your absences because you don't feel like getting out of bed
  18. The wifi probably sucks
  19. They might break a power line, and the power may go out around campus but do NOT panic...Classes are probably canceled for the next day
  20. It is okay to ask for help
  21. If you get easily stressed 18 credits, a job, a sorority, and two clubs probably aren't a great idea
  22. There is such thing as getting too involved
  23. Don't trust everyone because you are desperate for friends
  24. Take out your trash
  25. Don’t put your ramen in the water fountains regardless of how far the bathroom may be
  26. Joining a sorority/fraternity could be the best or worst decision you ever make
  27. Get yourself a nice pair of headphones
  28. If your neighbors are loud, go to them first because I doubt the RA’s will do anything
  29. Use Chegg to buy books!!!
  30. Alone time to just sit and think is critical
  31. You don't need three pairs of tennis shoes, forty-five T-shirts and twenty pairs of pants
  35. Grammarly saves lives
  36. If a professor says attendance doesn't count that’s not an invitation to skip class every single time
  37. If you question it, you don't need it
  38. If you don't use it at home, you won’t use it at school
  39. If you're new to the area take a weekend to explore
  40. Do your laundry before you break the hamper
  41. No one likes their student ID picture…sorry
  42. Your syllabus is actually your Bible
  43. Have fun at least one night a week, ignore homework and stop stressing
  44. Check your email every day
  45. You don't have to drink and/or smoke just because you are in college
  46. Go to anything that is free…your’e broke
  48. Don’t make a mess for the janitor… yes, they are getting paid to clean the building but not to be our maids… do your part
  49. Talk to that cute boy in class and make friends with him… this doesn't mean you have to date
  50. If you're religious, keep God close
  51. If you aren't religious, that's okay, just be open to new experiences if your college is religious
  52. Call and visit home often
  53. Just because there is ice cream doesn't mean you ahem to have it after every meal
  54. Not having a major is okay, I promise
  55. If you're bored, you're doing it wrong
  56. You and your roommate could be complete opposites, but they could turn into your best friend
  57. You and your roommate could be exactly the same, and you may end up hating each other
  58. Move out or learn to live with it, you're always going to have to handle people you may not like
  59. Find a hobby
  60. Buy pepper spray, you may NEVER use it, but it makes you (and your parents) feel better
  61. Nobody really cares what you did in high school… sorry
  62. Get to REALLY know people not just their name and where they are from
  63. Being on your own is actually pretty scary, but you'll get used to it
  64. Find that friend who can be your “mom friend” in your friend group
  65. But when it comes to a friend GROUP remember quality, not quantity
  66. Name brand is only cool if you find it at Salvation Army or Goodwill
  67. Find at least one professor to always go to
  68. If you feel like giving up, remember why you started
  69. Some friends may walk away, and that's okay they weren't meant to be in your life
  70. Some friends may transfer, and it will probably be really sad but be happy for them, it’s what's best for them not you
  71. Just because they are transferring doesn't mean you can’t be friends
  72. There's really no way of escaping the freshmen 15… don't hate yourself everyone goes through it
  73. You need to learn self-respect, enough to know when to walk away from toxic situations
  74. Stay in touch with your friends from back home
  75. One bad grade will not kill you
  76. You must learn how to love yourself
  77. Don’t make a promise you cannot keep
  78. MLA isn't the only thing you will be using…learn APA
  79. Invest in Post-it notes for to-do lists, reminders, notes to your roommate, inspirational quotes to hang up, bookmarks, to look at for decoration… Post-its are pretty handy
  80. Slushy runs with friends are so much more than 5-minute drives…they're memories
  81. Sometimes you need just to cry
  82. If someone asks how you are, the answer is always “I’m tired” because of it's true… you're ALWAYS tired
  83. The library is actually the coolest place on campus
  84. Animals become cuter on college because it’s a rare sight
  85. Get an outdoor blanket and sit outside on the lawn when it’s nice out
  86. There is no dress code but respect yourself
  87. Don’t change who you are for anyone
  88. Stay organized…it’s super important
  89. Your room will NEVER look like one of those Pinterest rooms
  90. You will learn to love your mom's cooking compared to school food
  91. If you sit in your bed to do homework, it will NEVER get done…use your desk
  92. You have control over when your classes are when you schedule if you aren't a morning person don't schedule morning classes unless you HAVE to
  93. Breathing is important in everything you do
  94. Singing happy birthday to friends at midnight is a thing
  95. If you lend someone a pen make sure it’s not your favorite one
  96. If you help friends move, they help you move
  97. Don’t post stupid things on Facebook that might get you in trouble, if you question the post don't post it
  98. You probably won't marry the first person you date, take it slow
  99. Pulling all-nighters doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look stupid
  100. Time really does fly…it’ll be over before you know it

-Love Emily <3

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