100 Practical Acts Of Kindness
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100 Practical Acts Of Kindness

Strive for beauty that can be felt, not just seen.

100  Practical Acts Of Kindness

Being kind can make a marked impact on someone's life and yours as well. The internet has countless of lists to help people come up with ideas on how to be kind. Unfortunately, most of the lists on the internet are repetitive, or include costly things. They consist of: smile at a stranger, pay for the person behind you, leave a big tip, leave money in a vending machine, etc. Granted, all of those acts are incredible, but it is now a good time to share some new ones that maybe one has never thought about.

I challenge you to practice one of the hundred today and share how it made you or the recipient feel.

1. Write a letter to someone who has made an impact in your life and might not know it.

2. Talk about what you are grateful for and encourage others to do the same.

3. Pray for the person behind you at the lunch counter. (Yes, pray).

4. When someone does or says something rude or offensive, assume he is having a bad day and respond with compassion.

5. Find ways to help others avoid embarrassment.

6. Tell your parents you love them and appreciate them. Call your grandparents and do the same.

7. Send your grandparents pictures of good times or events you have attended (those super cute prom pictures you spent hours on).

8. Donate blood.

9. Let another person take the closer parking spot. Smile and wave.

10. Print and frame a good picture you have taken of someone and give it to them.

11. Ask a friend about his day/how he is doing. Actually listen.

12. Put your phone away when talking to someone.

13. Compliment someone in front of their boss.

14. Don't interrupt when someone else is speaking. (God gave us two ears and only one mouth, so we could listen twice as much as we can speak).

15. Don’t write the angry internet comment you’re thinking of writing. It's not worth it.

16. Let someone into your lane. They’re probably in a rush just like you have been before.

17. Talk to the person who’s sitting alone at a party.

18. When you are out with a friend, make sure to introduce them if you run into anyone you know.

19. Give away stuff for free on Craigslist instead of throwing it away on bulk trash week.

20. Every time you go to the supermarket, ask your roommate, significant other, or the people around you if you can pick up anything they need.

21. Write something nice on the person's wall who posts on Facebook constantly. They’re probably lonely.

22. Be the person who makes everyone in group conversations feel included. If a comment goes unnoticed, encourage the person to keep on talking because you are listening.

23. If you see someone crying in public, don't ignore them; rather go up to them and offer to talk. Kindly touch their shoulder and leave if they say no.

24. Help someone carrying heavy bags.

25. Share your last piece of gum.

26. Donate your hair.

27. Offer to babysit for free.

28. Donate your old prom dress to someone who can't afford one.

29. Make chicken soup for a sick friend and bring it to their home.

30. Do chores without being asked.

31.Visit a nursing home

32. Offer to be the designated driver once in a while.

33. Ask your friends to text you whenever they get home so you know they got there safely.

34. Wash somebody's car.

35. Keep an extra umbrella with you for a stranger to use.

36. Offer to pick up someone's kid from school or take them to practice if you know it would help their busy parents.

37. Visit an animal shelter.

38. Leave nice notes inside library books.

39. Always send thank you notes.

40. Help somebody move in to their apartment.

41. Let your friend/ significant other watch their favorite show, Watch it with them without complaining.

42. Think of 3 good traits the person you don't like has. Focus on that.

43. Bring donuts or sweets to work.

44. Volunteer to do the task that no one else wants to do.

45. Help people who are lost. (Especially if you live in a touristy city. Give them tips about where to go or eat.)

46. Go to people's plays, musicals, dance recitals, etc. to support them.

47. Invite the new person at school, work, church, or the neighborhood over for dinner.

48. Don't let anyone in your life spend the holidays alone.

49. Be really happy when somebody shares their good news.

50. Mail someone an article yo found interesting or something that made you think of them.

51. If a friend always keeps complimenting a piece of clothing you own, let them borrow it, or keep it.

52. Write a great recomendation letter for somebody.

53. On Mother’s or Father’s Day, remember any friends who have lost a parent, and check in with them. Those will be tough days.

54. Tell someone the truth.

55. Write positive online reviews for small businesses if you enjoyed their services. They are much needed.

56. Give someone the benefit of the doubt.

57. Follow-up. When something bad happens to someone, they are usually flooded with support at first, but as months go by, people completely forget about them. Reach out to people months after hard times including disease, divorce, death, etc.

58. Bake cookies and share them.

59. Slip a nice note in a friend's bag. Reverse pick-pocket people.

60. Thank your janitor or trash collector for their service. Their job is important!

61. Throw someone who does not have many friends a surprise party.

62. Bring in the neighbor's garbage can/recycling bins.

63. Leave inspiring notes in public bathrooms.

64. Offer to give someone a back rub.

65. Buy a soda or candy bar for the cashier when you’re checking out. (I don't know why, but this is probably my favorite one to do. Their reaction is priceless.)

66. Mow someone's grass as a surprise.

67. Clean your friend or family member's home while they are on vacation.

68. Make a struggling family's summer by buying them a membership to the public pool or rec center.

69. Offer the mail carrier, gardener, or TV guy a glass of lemonade.

70. Become an organ donor.

71. Forgive someone. Repeat 7 X 7.

72. Give your mom a present on your birthday. She worked very hard to give birth to you and deserves it.

73. Make an email address for your child. Email them compliments, pictures, memories, letters, funny jokes. Tell them about the email address on their 18th birthday.

74. Send your sad friend funny youtube videos.

75. Request a song for someone that you know will be listening to that radio station.

76. Don't ask if you can help. Instead, say: let me help you with that!

77. Teach someone to do something you are good at. Share your talents.

78. Carry around a care package of food or toiletries that you can give to a homeless person.

79. Share your coupons at the grocery store.

80. Buy lemonade from kids' lemonade stands.

81. Let someone help you when they ask.

82. Be kind to the customer service rep or telemarketers on the phone. It’s their job.

83. Do your friend's laundry if you see they are overwhelmed. Everyone hates doing laundry.

84. Promote someone else's idea.

85. Tell someone that you believe in them, or tell them they are doing a good job.

86. Buy a small gift for someone just because.

87. Share your lunch with a homeless person. Sit next to them and have a conversation.

88. Share inspiring quotes.

89. Thank somebody simply for existing.

90. Finally agree to go to that event that your friend keeps inviting you to and you keep saying no to.

91. Put googly eyes on a rocks and attach a piece of paper saying, “You rock.”

92. Visit http://random-acts-of-kindness.tumblr.com/ and get inspired

93. Don't judge others just because they sin differently than you.



95. Give lots of hugs. Or smiles if you aren't the touchy-feely type.

96. Accompany someone to their doctor's appointment. Offer to give them a ride.

97. Introduce yourself to the new neighbors. Offer to help them with whatever they need.

98.Cover someone with a blanket wen they are sleeping.

99. Compliment others on things other than their physical appearance.

100. Don't forget to be kind to yourself. Laugh, think, drink tea, dance freely, watch a movie, take a bath, give yourself a break. You are going to be ok.

What is the kindest thing someone has done for you? Share in the comments below.

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