Stephanie Lobo on Odyssey Stephanie Lobo
Stephanie Lobo

Stephanie Lobo

Username: stephaniesaenz

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    In my baby memory book my grandmother signed: "You hide a thousand secrets inside your eyes, and hopefully choose to share some with the world by becoming an author." Ever since I was young, I have wanted to write. I am passionate about it. Whether it is sending letters to the dozens of penpals I have, to writing (most) essays for class, it is a joy to turn abstract ideas into something that can be shared.

    I am a very simple person and love going on small adventures such as finding the coziest coffee shops, volunteering, and people-watching. I love reading but especially reading people by observing their body language. I have learned so much about humanity by doing that. It has helped me be more compassionate and understanding.

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