With the beginning of the new year, we are all making all kinds of resolutions. Maybe one of your resolutions is to practice yoga, or maybe it's just to be more centered and balanced in your life. Here are ten great poses to practice in the new year.
1. Ujjayi Pranayama/Victorious Breath
Not necessarily a pose, but a practice. Ujjayi breathing helps center and control your breath, which in turn helps center your mind and body. Engaging this type of breathing can decrease tension, lessen anxiety, and leave you feeling overall more centered.2. Tadasana/Mountain Pose
Mountain Pose is a powerful pose, that helps you feel powerful, more confident, and centered.
3. Surya Namaskar A/Sun Salutation 1
The Sun Salutations are practiced as a warm up to the rest of a practice. This series of poses ignites prana, or energy, in the body, which leads to feeling more energized after practicing them as well. These poses also help create a feeling of balance and centeredness
4. Utthita Trikonasana/Extended Triangle Pose
This pose is good for stretching your body and increasing flexibility.5. Parivrtta Trikonasana/Revolved Extended Triangle Pose
The counter pose to Utthita Trikonasana, this pose is a twist, which encourages detoxification in the body.6. Virabhadrasana A/Warrior 1
7. Virabhadrasana B/Warrior 2
Both manifestations of the Warrior Pose encourage strength and confidence.8. Vriksasana/Tree Pose
Tree Pose both streteches and strengthens the body, while helping to ground and center the mind.
9. Balasana/Child's Pose
Child's Pose is another good pose for streching the body, that also helps to relieve stress.