10 Worst Things About Being Sick At School | The Odyssey Online
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10 Worst Things About Being Sick At School

Although everyone wants a sick day, it's not worth it in college.

10 Worst Things About Being Sick At School

For those that are lucky enough to not get sick while at college, congratulations! It is not a fun time. Unfortunately for most, they have this experience at least once, if not more while living away from home.

1. Everyone Avoids You

To them, you’re like the plague. They don’t want to get sick, just as much as you don’t want to be sick, and unfortunately, they don’t want to be near you; everyone avoids you as much as possible.

2. You don’t want to get out of bed.

The hardest part about being sick at school is not having the energy to go to class or do homework. Staying in your warm, cozy bed is all you can do.

3. Being stuck in your room all day.

If you get sick enough that you can’t go to class, then you’re stuck inside and in your bed. While that can sound amazing, it actually isn’t. You’re stuck in a small box with a whole world outside that you can’t join.

4. Your mom isn’t there.

Moms know how to make everything better. It’s like they have a secret spell book that can make you feel better. At college, you’re on your own. Instead of calling for your mom down the hall, you have to call her on the phone and ask her to make you feel better which she unfortunately can’t do over the phone.

5. Relying on your roommates.

Instead of asking your mom to make you chicken noodle soup, you have to sweet talk your roommate to make you some. As much as she probably wants to stay away from you, we all know that there is an unspoken rule about caring for your roommate if they are sick.

6. The limited amount of food.

If you have a cold, for the most part, you can eat anything. If you have a stomach virus, you’re a bit out of luck. The dining hall tends to always be greasy, and your sensitive stomach doesn’t want any of that food; you have to find the least appetizing food. Sometimes, this doesn’t even exist in the dining halls, so you’re stuck living off of saltine crackers for the next few days.

7. Skipping class.

In college, if you miss a class, you probably missed an entire chapter. The professor doesn’t slow down just because you aren’t there, or there is a low attendance in class that day. Professors have a schedule that they have to follow, and if you aren’t there, you have to learn outside of class.

8. No energy.

Being sick comes with being tired all of the time. Life doesn’t slow down just because you’re sick, no matter how bad you feel, and sometimes you still have to stick it out and try to get everything completed in a record amount of time. Now, you can get more sleep.

9. The Wellness Center is located in the farthest building from your dorm.

Whenever you actually need to go to the wellness center, the walk seems so much longer than it normally would. With no energy and having to make that dreaded walk, it makes being sick that much worse.

10. Right when you think you’re getting better, you’re sick again.

When you’re sick at home, you have a longer rest period, so you can get better. In college, there is so much going on, getting rest is a lot harder. When you think that you finally have gotten over your illness, it sticks with you or turns into something else. Sometimes, it feels like a never ending process.

While college is all about studying and having fun with friends, we all forget the minor setbacks that staying out all night and having fun can cause. Being sick at school is not ideal, but sometimes it happens; when it does, we have to deal with it and let it run its course.

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