"THE 5 STAGES AFTER A BREAKUP" | The Odyssey Online
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10 Videos To Help You Heal From Heartbreak

Videos that will help you get through even the most difficult of breakups.

10 Videos To Help You Heal From Heartbreak

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Hey, you. Yes, you.

If you clicked on this article, that must mean that you are going through heartbreak. And it hurts. Trust me, I know. It aches. It is shattering. And all a person typically wants to do is escape it.

At least, that was how I felt. For weeks I found myself laying in bed, sobbing, hiding from the world, and cutting contact with all the people I loved because of my broken heart. All I wanted to do was heal my heart. But... I didn't know how. And that was terrifying. I had the firm intention to heal, and even though I didn't know how to, I knew that I wanted to do everything I could to let go of this heartache. So, with this intention in mind, I started doing research online. My search for healing led me to many (trust me, many) videos, and out of all the videos I found, these top 10 videos helped my heart feel better.

I hope they help you like they helped me.

So, if you're laying in bed right now, sobbing like I was, all that I ask is that you make yourself comfortable and free for the next hour or two.

Here are the 10 videos that helped me through, and are still helping me through, my heartbreak.


This video was one of the most relatable videos I found online about the heartbreak I was going through. It also uplifted my mood because it was a lighthearted video. It was hilarious and made me laugh, while also giving me hope that I can get through this heartbreak and move on.

"How to fix a broken heart" 

I typically dread TED Talks because they always last so long to me... but this TED Talk was one of the MOST POWERFUL ones I've ever (trust me: ever) come across. It made me laugh and also spoke to my heart. Guy Winch is someone who has studied heartbreak, and in this video, he reveals what he's discovered are effective ways to get through heartbreak and heal. This was the most credible and logical video I found.


Breeny Lee is one of the most empowering YouTubers I've ever come across. Whenever I watch her, I feel like she isn't just talking to my mind, but my soul. Every one of her videos that I've watched has truly, utterly opened my eyes to my own inner power. This video by Breeny Lee helped me accept the reality of the end of my relationship, while also understanding that I am going to be okay even though the relationship had become such an important part of my life. This video is truly helpful for anyone who is drowning in the pain of their heartache.


Yes! Another Breeny Lee video. This video is how to be okay with being single again. While I had a lot of resistance to watching a video about being single (because I didn't want to accept the fact that I was "alone" again) this video helped me make peace with being single. Being single does not mean I have to feel empty and alone.

"If Someone Broke Your Heart - WATCH THIS"

Jay Shetty is an inspirational speaker who was once a monk. When he came back into the world after being a monk, he shared his wisdom with the world. In this video by Jay Shetty. he explains how to not let heartbreak stop you from having faith and hope in love. Just because this relationship didn't work, doesn't mean that love isn't possible in your life.

"Crush Your Fear of Rejection in 3 Minutes"

Matthew Hussey is a famous YouTuber who is known as a love expert. In this video, I found so much hope about my future. It helped me feel better about rejection by reminding me that one day I will meet someone who will love me in ways my ex couldn't.

"The person you really need to marry" 

Yes... I know... another long TED Talk. I remember watching this with my friend on her sofa, as she convinced me to sit through 14 minutes of yes... a TED Talk. Despite my dread and resistance, in those 14 minutes, I witness a powerful woman bear her soul to the world, talking from a place of deep vulnerability about what it is like to fall in love with yourself. I know it may be hard to accept right now, but you must understand: in order to truly find a relationship that gives you peace, you first need to fall in love with yourself.

"If They Hurt You - WATCH THIS"

"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one," is how this video starts. As soon as I heard this, it captured not only my ear's attention but also my heart's attention. Prince Ea is one of the best motivational speakers I have ever found on the internet. This video gently urged me to let my ex go by giving me practical advice on how to do so.

"I believe - Christina Perri lyrics"

This video isn't like the rest of the videos on this list, because it's a song. This one song has been the only song I've discovered that has truly, 100% helped me through the pain my heart was feeling. It's about having faith that the past and all the pain it has brought does not ensure that one's future is also going to consist of pain. It's about believing in one's inner strength, ability to heal, and possibility to be reborn. Some lyrics from this song that have become my mottos through this healing process are: "I believe that the words that he told you are not your grave" and "This is not the end of me, this is the beginning."

"If You've Been Hurt - WATCH THIS"

"The wound is where the light enters you," are the words of Rumi in the opening of this video. I wanted to end my list with this powerful video. I hope you understand that this heartbreak can either destroy you or motivate you to let the light in and blossom. I know it hurts. But life isn't meant to be lived spending most of it in pain. This video reminded me that I will get through this pain. And, I wanted to let you know that you will get through this pain too.

Through my journey to find answers, these videos helped give me clarity about how to heal from this heartbreak. It was extremely hard to choose just 10 videos. I highly encourage you to watch more videos by the YouTubers that I sourced above, such as Breeny Lee, Jay Shetty, and Prince Ea. All the YouTubers above have more videos about how to overcome heartbreak, and if you resonated with a specific person's video, I recommend that you look into their other videos.

And, I just wanted to tell you that you will heal. Even if it seems impossible right now, even if the pain feels so deep and unquenchable, know that you will survive. You will not only survive - you will learn to thrive again. This breakup is not the end of you. Let it be the beginning of the rest of your beautiful life story.

You will heal. I promise.

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