10 Tips and Tricks To Start The Semester Off Right
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10 Tips and Tricks To Start The Semester Off Right

Some helpful tricks to set you up to having a great semester ahead.

10 Tips and Tricks To Start The Semester Off Right
Pear Salad

10: Get A Single Planner. This planner should hold all upcoming events and school priorities. Having multiple planners can definitely cause some important things to slip through your mind and set you back. Get a planner that you will remember to bring each day and gives you a reason to write upcoming things so you know how to best use time management.

9: Start Using A Color Coding System. I just started this little trick. Each class I have has a color in my planner and notebook. With every assignment and test I sort them with that specific color. I also went and printed out the syllabus provided by a few classes and went through each week and put them all in the planner ahead of time. It will save so much time during the semester and you wont be blindsided with an upcoming test at the last minute if you miss a day. Sure, it takes an hour or two to go through each week and write the plans out but being organized does save that hassle of remembering a forgotten assignment and doubles as your assignment list for the semester.

8: Plan Outfits and Backpacks Ahead of Time. Having my outfit and book ready to go in the morning saves me at least 20 full minutes of my morning routine. Even if its just a sorority shirt and a pair of jeans it helps me get through the morning faster and avoids routine conflicts with my roommates. Having packed my bag the night before with my books for each class and some extra pens is simple and only takes a quick five minutes the night before rather than scrambling in the morning trying to figure out if I have everything I need. Any college student can relate to waking up to find out its only 10 minutes before class. Having at least those two things out of the way saves that time to get you somewhat presentable to your peers.

7: Note Taking Tips. Color coding can do wonders not just with organizing but with notes too! Studies have shown that blue pen ink has been shown to increase retention than black ink. Using different colors for certain sections can help your study time and make it easier to know exactly what you need to look over again.

6: Make Your Own Study Guide. My roommate showed me this last semester, she takes her notes and makes her own study guide before a test or quiz. It not only helps students remember the material better but you can personalize it to fit your study habits. Even visual learners can make a Power Point study guide to fit their notes. Pulling from color coding your notes, you can use that as a base and pick out what you struggle with more so the study guide can bring it out and help you ace that test.

5: Spearmint Does Wonders. Chewing the same flavor of gum when studying and while taking a test helps refresh your memory. Like the blue and black ink trick, gum with spearmint has some impact on your memory and mind that it helps when taking a hard test. Mint properties are not only calming but if it can help you remember something for a test I'm all for it.

4: Rest. Rest. Rest. All-nighters are a common evil in college and it can be both a blessing and curse...mostly curse. Cram sessions before a big test is not only harmful to your grade but to your well-being as well. Organizing a time schedule to study, eat, work, sleep and have a social life can be hard and nearly impossible for students. Putting aside time to study for an hour or two can have a better impact than studying for 10 hours straight. Taking 10 minute breaks in between is even more beneficial. So rest up folks.

3: Talk To Your Teachers. Yeah, they can be intimidating and they may seem like they hold the power to you passing or failing but they aren't scary. You control how well your grades can be in the course and talking to them if something seems wrong is much better than passing it by and ending up doing worse later on. Failing a test or assignment can be a major blow to the ego in the beginning of the semester but if its an easy fix by talking to your professor then it can save you in the long run.

2: Get Your Own Study Space. It's one thing to study with friends and have a study group so you don't feel so stressed, but they can also be distracting and it can lead to a disaster when you don't finish something in time. Now I'm not saying never study with people, but with major sessions, find a nice place that you feel comfortable and can concentrate. Library, The Quad on campus, a nice coffee shop or even your own room can be your space to just relax and focus on the things that matter most. Listen to music, create an awesome playlist that both motivates you and gets you ready. Music helps time fly by and a playlist that fits your style as well as helps you concentrate is a blessing and just gets you in the zone.

1: Dress With The Weather, Not Against It. Now that we are slowly going to be passing this cold season it doesn't mean jump straight into a short sleeve and shorts at the first sign of weather higher than 60 degrees. Until that heat is here to stay, there are still more than enough chances to catch that 24 hour bug or allergies that kick your butt straight to bed for a day or two. Plus classrooms just seem to have that cold factor and keeping warm is always a better option than freezing any feeling you have in your body, so keep some gloves or a small jacket in your backpack until the spring hits us with some well missed warmth.

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